Its Political Involvement In The Middle East example essay topic

463 words
The United States has become the target of the most recent terrorist attacks because of its political involvement in the middle east. The United States has had involvement in the middle east ever since before the Gulf War which took place in the early 1990's. Their involvement began in the early 80's when they were called to help out Isreal, an ally which was being harasses by Palestine. Their presence has been felt there since and the U.S. has acted like International Police. The presence of the United States has been felt in that region of the middle east since the 1980's and has upset certain groups of muslims who do not want them there. The U.S. first became involved in the middle east when it finally recognized the Palestinian Liberation Organization (P.L.O. ), an organization which was developed to help the Palestinians try to recover land that they lost when the country of Isreal was created in 1948.

The United States foreign policy limited the P.L.O.'s success because it made of certain rules that the P.L.O. had to follow before the U.S. finally recognized it as being the representative of all Palestinian Arabs. The P.L.O. had to accept the existence Isreal as a state, withdraw troops from Isreal, and to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries. This did not set well with the P.L.O. They refused to accept Isreal as a state and in return the Americans did not recognize the P.L.O. as an organization but stil kept troops there to try and keep the peace. This is where the U.S. first seen signs of terrorism. There were bombings, hi-jacking's, and shootings directed at civilian targets by palestinians who claimed that their actions were political statements.

The P.L.O. failed to conde m the use of inter nations terrorist tactics and even thought they do have a n tolerance policy towards terrorism. Since the Gulf War, the United States has continued to conduct covert military operations in Iraq, which mostly involved the C.I.A. Their goal was to over throw Saddam Hussein in which their many attempts failed. The U.S. set up a Kurdish defector camp where in northern Iraq where its intent was to protect 3.5 million Kurds, who rebelled against Baghdad near the end of the Gulf War, from attacks by Saddam Hussein. This was a Safe Haven for many refugees and defectors from Iraq army which was armond 14,000 square miles. Some groups in the middle east have developed a hatred towards the United States military being in their land. Some allowed their hatred to become so deep as to built terrorist camps where people are trained to become future terrorists and mercenaries.