Jem And Scout example essay topic

691 words
To Kill a Mockingbird Book Report The main characters in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird are Jem, Scout, and Atticus Finch. Jem and Scout are brother and sister, Atticus is their father and Maycomb's best lawyer. Jem and Scout spend their summers playing with their summer time friend Dill. Jem, Scout, and Dill spend most of their summer trying to get Boo Radley who is suspected to be a crazy man to come out of his home. As their summers pass their hopes of Boo Radley coming out of his home slowly fade away. One summer Atticus is defending a black man who is accused of raping a white teenager.

The small town that they live in Maycomb is buzzing and giving the whole Finch family a hard time about the trial. Atticus believes the black man is innocent, and that the girls father was the one to actually beat her up. The black man is convicted guilty. The girls father tells Atticus that he will get him back for making a mockery of him in court. While the black man is in prison he tries to escape and he gets shot to death. A while past and Scout is in a play where she has to be a ham.

On the way home from the play Jem and Scout are attacked by a man. Jem is knocked unconscious and Scout cant see a thing because she is trapped in the ham costume. Someone picks up Jem and takes him back home, and Scout gets up and follows. When she gets there her aunt calls the police and they come and start asking her questions about what happened and she doesn't quite know what happened. She goes into Jem's room to see what happened to him and the police man asks her how they got home and who had stopped the attacker. After a while of thinking she points to a stranger across the room and says, "Hello Boo", and thanks him for everything.

The police find out that it is the girls father who was the attacker and the rule that he feel on his knife and caused his own death. Scout is happy she meet Boo but never sees him again. "If only Jem was awake". Something I found interesting about this book was how a whole town that respects this family can turn around and hate them just for befriending the black community. I think the strongest point of the book is how much Scout grows up in this book and sees the world for what it really is. She learned how man can treat another man so cruel over things such as race and rankings in society.

Scout learned so many things in her summers that takes some people a lifetime to learn. She learn to love and respect people no matter who and of what class they are and to see beyond color and hatred toward toughs who are different. I think the weakness' of this book are that it has details that aren't really helpful. Also that some things you have to read over twice to really make sense of them. I think I had to do that because the book was written a while ago and the language and the grammar are different from what I learned.

Additional research that would be helpful is to read stuff about little towns such as Maycomb back in those times. Other research that would be helpful is to try and find stuff out from similar cases such as the one that happened in Maycomb. One good question could be why people treated people so badly in those times. Also why nothing was really done about it and if you thought it was wrong to treat people this way everyone considered you wrong. Another good question might be why it took people so long to realize how they where treating colored people was wrong.