Job Seniority example essay topic

870 words
Will I or will I not be promoted? Is there going to be an increase in my pay this year? Do all of my male co-workers earn more money that I do? These are just a few examples of concerns that run through a woman's mind when dealing with inequality issues in the workforce.

Because of male dominance in the work force, women do not have a fair chance of getting a high priority job or large promotion. This paper will discuss the various impacts of these concerns on women, job opportunities for women in the workplace, and disadvantages and stereotypes that come with being a female in the labor force. It will also discuss the treatment of women of all races, the inequality level between men and women, the wage gap, and women's position in society. The inequality levels between men and women in the labor force seem to be an ongoing battle.

There are too many men in the labor force that seem to be narrow minded and they are causing problems for women who are trying to succeed in the work force. When you look back on the history of a woman's position in society, no matter what class you look at, females have always been looked upon as second-class citizens. Women have always been given stereotypical working conditions of cooking, cleaning, childcare, sewing and piecework. Women have traditionally been given these jobs because there seems to be no separation between work and family for women.

Some women are affected by inequality more than others; some reasons for this include ethnicity, race, and the baggage, in general that come from being a female. Some of the impacts of this inequality that women face and the ordeals that go on in order to fix the effects of past racial and sexual discrimination are; equal pay for all employees, equal employment opportunities, and transferring employees from one job to another, within the organization, in order to integrate the workforce. These plans of action resulted in new problems for management. Many employees do not want to transfer jobs and give up the seniority of their present job and move to another job. This dilemma was later resolved by using company seniority rather than job seniority. Here an employee can move around the organization and still maintain their seniority due to the fact that they are still working for the same company instead of losing their seniority because they transferred departments.

When there are layoffs to be made, unions prefer the seniority system, which translates to, the last hired, first fired rule. When this rule is followed, the layoffs would be focused on minorities and women because they are usually the newest employees. An issue that is still unsettled today is pregnancy. The problem is whether or not women will receive compensation for their maternity leave.

This is just another equality problem between the sexes. It is seen as a problem if women become pregnant and have to leave the workforce temporarily to have a child. Nature has designed women to have children, not men, it was not the woman's choice to be the bearer or children, and it is just nature. Women in the work force are held accountable for having children.

This is just a sample of the kinds of inequalities that women have to face in the work force due to the fact that they are treated as males and expected to act as males do. But women are different that men in many ways that should not be held against them as or problematic. This inequality effects all ethnic and racial minorities of women. Another conflict that arises between minorities, women, and the white male dominated race is, employers lie to the male applicant saying that the company is required to hire a minority or woman for the job.

In actuality the male applicant is simply not the best-qualified person for the job. In other instances, black workers are told that they were hired or promoted because of their skin color, when in fact they were simply the best qualified. Therefore, they think that they are not receiving credit for their skills. The white employers are just making it look like these people are getting the job because they are required to give the job to a member of a minority group. Women end up taking a lot more abuse when it comes to treatment in the labor force.

Females have been taught for years to maintain certain etiquette for quite a long time. Women have always been taught that they are put on this earth to serve men, to take care of others, be proper ladies, be polite and obliging to the needs of men. Today's women seem to have become more aggressive, demanding, and committed to achievement as compared to men, because they are beginning to be taken more seriously by the business world. Women still have a belief that they have to prove their self- worth.