Justice And Equality example essay topic
One of the things he said was 'government exists to preserve justice and equality'. Both Hammurabi and Machiavelli said government was hereto hold power and order, but, neither of them mentioned anything about equality. Infact, Hammurabi said that the rich are good and the poor are bad. Machiavelli believed humans are basically bad and not to be trusted. Governments using inequality or not granting freedom to its citizens have been known to have problems. Countries with dictatorships or communist governments are becoming obsolete because people are finally speaking against their one sided beliefs.
The Ceausescu Revolution was a good example of a dictatorship brought down by its people. The people were driven beyond the limit and over powered their bad governmental leaders for both their own good and their nations well being. Another instance where this was displayed was when the Berlin Wall was torn down by the people of Germany. They tore down the barrier that was made by their leaders that had kept them from their families for over 30 years. The laws of Hammurabi and Machiavelli would be going through these problems if they were still being frequently used today. Locke also said that 'government which does not bring about public benefit should be disposed', this goes right along with the definition of justice.
If the government is lying about everything or hiding important things from its people, it must be disposed. They are elected to help us and let us know about our nation and if they are telling us lies, or keeping stuff from us, they are not benefiting the public. If the public wants to know, then it shouldn't be the government who decides if information benefits the public or not. It is their duty to share it with us.
We elect people who say they will do this and if elected to represent our nation, keep us informed. But when they do get elected, they turn on us and lie to us. The U.S. displayed the use of this when the people revolted against Richard Nixon and drove him out of office for his lies. When the government or people in it are corrupt it is crucial that we 'dispose " them. Although our government may not be following Locke's laws or may be as perfect as we want, we should be glad that they don't use the laws of Machiavelli or Hammurabi.
If we used their laws we would all be in trouble. Never the less, true justice can't happen for anyone if equality and freedom are not involved. People must be able to speak their mind and be kept well informed on the status of what's occuring in their nation, city or whatever.