Kate example essay topic

359 words
In the film French Kiss, Kate made many self discoveries about life and the workings of herself through the numerous experiences she encountered during her stay in Paris. These discoveries involved love, the imperfections in life and tolerance of others. It is also clear to say that influence from the film's main characters (e.g. Luc) played an important role in many of these self discoveries. The issue of love stands as one of the most significant themes in French Kiss. After all, Kate distastefully travels around the world in pursuit of her "true love", "I'm going to get him back, and I'm going to make him love me!" , and soon following, the story unfolds as she slowly falls in love with the Frenchmen Luc.

With the help of Luc, Kate learns that in order to have a successful relationship, one most act and talk in the opposing direction of logical thinking. Evidence of this is perceived in the scene whereby Luc tells Kate how to handle Charlie, to cause him to become jealous and regret ever leaving Kate in the first place. He explains how revealing very little about oneself and acting like you are loved by many people will cause you to be more "mysterious and sexy". Kate experiments with Luc's advice and approaches Charlie with the different frame of mind, acting like she does not care about Charlie anymore and is engrossed with Luc.

This 'acting' has profound effects on Charlie, causing him to see Kate in a totally different light, and start loving her again. Evidence of this is found in the beach scene, where Charlie notices a huge change in Kate and starts showing signs of attraction, again. Through the teachings of Luc and the help of self discovery, Kate realized that by being totally infatuated in Charlie and having shown it previously, adverse effects on the relationship arose, and it was probably the greatest cause in triggering the breakup of their relationship. Kate discovered that by revealing all her emotions and being needy towards Charlie was the wrong approach...
