Keats Death example essay topic
Shadows numberless" at the end of the paragraph signifies the angel of death and spirits that had surrounded Keats. Keats vividly and beautifully described wine: ... for a beaker full of the warm South... With beaded bubbles winking at the brim, And purple stained mouth; That I might drink, and leave the he used to bury his fears and emotions about death. In verse three, Keats expressed that most people enjoy a full life and die old, when he pens: Here, men sit and hear each other groan; ... last gray hairs, Where youth grows pale, and spec tre-thin, and dies... (24-26) He felt that youth was a time in one's life to enjoy. According to him, being rich, popular, beautiful, funny and smart didn't matter because the angel of death was blind.
Keats was afraid of death because of the loved one's he had to leave behind. He expresses that with the phrase: And with thee fade away into the forest dim (20) Keats explained that he had wanted to wander off into the forest so no one would " ve had to be bothered by him. In paragraph four, Keats had spoken to the Nightingale and told it togo off and leave him alone because he already had known that death was coming and didn't want to be reminded of his sad fate. Keats went on to say: I cannot see what flowers are at my feet, Nor what soft incense hangs upon the boughs, But, in embalmed darkness... (41-43) This meant he didn't know what was about to happen, only that he was going to die. He then illustrated all the creatures and things that would live long past him; The grass, the thicket, and the fruit-tree wild...
(45) In paragraph six, Keats had listened to the "Darkling" or Nightingale singing and this had reminded him of how at one time in his life he questioned death and was even infatuated by it because death was an unknown universe when he composed: ... for many a time I have been half in love with easeful Death, Call'd him soft names... (51-53) But quickly after he had recalled that memory he stated: Still wouldst thou sing, and I have ears in vain- To thy high requiem become a sod. (59-60) Here he was saying how the "Darkling" sounded beautiful when it sang but that was just a mask for the fate that it was taking him to; death. Thou was not born for death, immortal Bird! (61) The immortal Nightingale wasn't put on this earth to bring people to their deaths, according to Keats. Over generations, the bird has warned "emperors and clowns" that death can not be cheated... the fancy cannot cheat so well As she is fam'd to do...
(73-74) Here he had stated that the rich could not buy their way out of death because that was all the Nightingale had come to do. The song of the Nightingale had faded and Keats composed, ... thy plaintive anthem fades... and now 'tis buried deep (75 & 77) and he didn't know if it was real or if he had dreamed the whole thing. Keats wasn't sure if he was still alive or had died. -Do I wake or sleep? (80).