Keep Track Of Many Things example essay topic

646 words
Are computers just good for retrieving information quickly or do they perform other functions such as storing and manipulating data to meet particular needs. Just for your consideration: resources include money and people; so you may want to change resources to facilities / equipment if indeed you are talking about buildings / equipment. Nal Computers are managment tools that assist administrators in managing money, clientele, and past records. For a long time now people have used computers to help keep track of many things. They are essential to the sucess of many offices, schools, and banks.

Without computer programs to keep track of information it would take forever to locate it. When it comes to managing people's money it's very important to get things right. In office buildings payroll has to be given to employees and if the checks are not correct then someone will be upset. Humans make mistakes often in math but computers don't. A program written to send out payroll will be precise and never have an error on and employees's check. In school people pay an extreme amount of money for tuition.

To avoid stealing and / or losing the money schools should put the amount in the system so that noone can deny recieving the money for the tuition. If it was given straight to a human they could steal it. Banks are the most important of all places to keep the best track of money. As many people use banks it would be an impossible amount of paper work for each person. A program can keep track of all customers savings, and debt. Every day people get hired at new jobs or start at an school or start accounts at banks.

When an employer hires someone he can put the employees information in the computer for later use. The employer might need to contact the employee at home, know their work limitations, or need past job references. All this informations can be kept on a computer. Schools contain many students and it would be hard to keep up with who is and isn't enrolled, the grade of certain students, and their past GPA.

One simple program can input and output this informations with ease. In banks people become members and end memberships all the time. The only way to keep up with records of who is with what bank, how much they have, how much they owe is through a computer. People is this world do alot of bad things that they wish they didn't have to tell others. In the technology age they have no choice.

In the workplace employers must know what they are hiring. Potential employees could have murder, burgarly, or worse on their record. Most employers wouldn't want someone with that type of record. Students in school get into fights vandalism and steal. If these records are kept then the bad student would not be able to get into schools were he would be placed with regular students and corrupt them. Past records at banks can help them distinguish between good clients and bad clients.

If a certain person has a bad past when it comes to paying bills or paying off loans the next bank they go to will be aware of their actions. Computers help today's society in many ways. They are needed to keep our society simple and easy. The computer is a tool used in many workplaces such as offices, school, and banks. The keep up with bits of information including money, clientele, and past records. Computers are very important in our society in keeping up with everything and I couldn't imagine life without them.