Kurtz's African Mistress example essay topic

745 words
The Women of Heart of Darkness The novella Heart of Darkness illustrates readers with three different types of depictions that men had of women during the late 1800's; also known as the imperialistic era. These depictions were as follows; the naive woman, the mistress, and the wealthy widow. The na " ive woman was personified by Kurtz intended. The mistress was personified by the native African woman. The wealthy widow is personified by Marlow's aunt. This assumption can be made on various levels.

The most obvious level is how Joseph Conrad never gave these characters names. Also when they are mentioned it is very brief. Kurtz's intended is the na " ive character. She is alone and waiting for Kurtz for as long as she has too. She is like a European, wealthy and useless woman, who has nothing better to do than just sit around and wait for her fianc'e to return when ever he wants. It is as if she lives in her own world that revolves around her, without an concern for reality and other people.

When Marlow goes to visit her, her first question is what were his last words. It seems as though she needs some type of reassurance that Kurtz was thinking about her. It maybe due to the fact the she suspected Kurtz of something or she just didn't feel that his love was sincere as it used to be. Marlow lies to her and tells her he said her name, and she is content with that. She doesn't even ask how he died.

I don't agree with Marlow lying to Kurtz's intended. He should have told her the truth and not lie to her. There is a small possibility that maybe Marlow was attracted to her and didn't want to hurt his chances with her. The small part that she has in this novella she manages to sound like a na " ive woman.

The second character that we are introduced to is Kurtz's African mistress. The mistress is a beautiful woman who seems to evoke some sort of control over the men. Whenever she is mentioned the men just stand there as if in awe. She never speaks in the novella. During the late 1800's it was acceptable for men to have mistress', I believe that is what Conrad tried to show. That's why Kurtz's intended never questioned why he was taking so long.

She probably knew he had a mistress and couldn't really say anything against it. The mistress managed to gain some type of control over Kurtz, and that is why he hadn't left yet. Even Marlow was in awe when he saw the beautiful native woman with jewelry on. Perhaps she was a wealthy woman, and that's why the people respected her. The last female character that I will examine is Marlow's aunt. She is perhaps a wealthy widow, who also has nothing better to do with her money.

She believes strongly on the topic of imperialism. She thinks that it helps people progress. She was the one who got Marlow this opportunity. Marlow's aunt is the combination of both characters.

She was na " ive and controlling at the same time. Conrad probably used this character to show readers how older women were in the past. Its amazing to see how men stereotyped women in the past it hasn't changed that much. The only thing that has changed is that women do not accept nor do they ignore when their husbands have a mistress. Now in the present time women actually live alone and can support themselves. This is widely accepted now in days.

However these things don't happen in the late 1800's. Women would much rather live with the pain, than speak up for themselves. In conclusion, we as readers see they way women were treated in the past. It was widely accepted and even intergrade d into the literature during that time. It makes me realized to know that things are not how they were as in the past. Women are now treated as women and not as object to stand next to men or wait for them till they are ready..