Lack Of A Structured Incentive Plan example essay topic

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After studying in Europe and the United States, Lucia, the daughter of a Brazilian business man, returned to her country to work in the family business. She was assigned to a small company located in France that produced and sold soap and shampoos. Lucia visited the plant and found that it was not in good standing. The problems she found can be identified as: lack of creativity and planning initiative on the part of the general manager, and lack of a structured incentive plan to motivate employees. The first problem deals with lack of creativity and planning initiatives. When Lucia visited the factory, she found the plant in bad repair, the roof leaked and there was a complaint from an employee about the sales staff not knowing their job.

We may assume that this situation is due to the fact that the company was going through a financial crisis therefore, there was no money available to spare on aesthetic looks and training programs for the sales staff. However, when we analyze the situation using Hofstede's dimensions we find that France as well as Brazil is a large power distance culture. Where there is large power distance, subordinates are not trusted to make effective plans. Planning is left to the superior who in the case of Brazil is the owner or a close relative.

This could also imply that the general manager was experiencing obstacles when trying to implement his plans. The general manager is also French, and considered individualistic which means more competitive and less conformist. His ability to create an elaborated training and marketing plan to increase sales in the organization are probably shadowed by the owner. If we go to the other extreme and think of both cultures being high in uncertainty avoidance, we can say that the owner plus general manager felt secure with current conditions and did not wish to take risks with any new initiative. On the other hand, the second problem of the plant is in the lack of a structured incentive plan to motivate employees. There is a high level of dissatisfaction with present circumstances as stated by the quotes "80 employees who were clearly demoralized".

In a feminine culture members stress relating to others and achievement is measure in terms of human contacts rather than power and property. According to this, the dissatisfaction stems from the state of abandonment of the factory and lack of respect towards the employees. This last statement is supported by the quote "back to your station" spoken by the general manager to one of the younger members. The culture in France is also individualistic. This means that to some extend they also stress individual achievements, rights and competition. The frustration of a younger employee when he spoke to Lucia was evident when he said this: "it does not have to be like this.

We used to make the best soap in France and we can make it again". Lucia can create an incentive plan that addresses individual achievements to motivate the younger, more aggressive employees. In conclusion, we have a small company that is loosing revenue due to the lack of creativity and planning initiative as well as lack of motivational tools. Lucia needs to collect data and analyze the present situation.

When analyzing the present situation, she will ask herself questions such as: why is the plant in bad repair? Why is the roof leaking? Why are the employees so demoralized? Why is there an employee saying that none of the sales staff know their job? Why does the general manager speak to an employee in such a disrespectful way like, "Back to your station"?

The conditions for implementing a plan for change are present. Lucia can bring the balance needed in this environment of individualistic and feminine cultures. She has studied in the United States and Europe and has lived in her country Brazil. She has an expanded view of cultural differences in the workplace.