Lady Macbeth Traditional View example essay topic

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Who really was to blame for the downfall of Macbeth Was it himself, his wife; Lady Macbeth or the Witches Firstly I will look at all the murders which lead up to the death of Macbeth, then I will assess each of the three individuals before concluding my information. Norwegians & Traitors They were killed during battle by Macbeth and Banquo and the Scottish army. Macbeth & Banquo were fighting for King and Country with no fear of wrong doing. Totally different to the other unlawful killings which were actually murders; the killing of the Norwegians was not murder but a battle. Scotland were totally out numbered and were the underdogs yet they still Doubly redoubled stakes upon the foe. King Duncan Arguably the most important killing because it is the first premeditated cold blooded killing in the play.

The first unlawful killing that Macbeth committed and one which he later regrets. This is the killing which leads to the whole string of murders under Macbeth. Macbeth calls it the horrid deed because he does not really want to kill his king (most sacrilegious murder) but it is the only way he will become king. This killing also involves greatly Lady Macbeth because of the way she planned it and helped in its execution and cover up. The Two Grooms Macbeths second killing almost immediately after the murder of King Duncan which ruins the plan of Lady Macbeth to frame them. It is an illogical and pointless killing which points the finger at Macbeth for the killing of King Duncan.

It is a messy murder in public view and is the only one in which everybody knows Macbeth has done it. The grooms had been drugged so the couldnt remember what had happened the night before so if Macbeth had not killed them the would not have know themselves if they had done it. It is an untidy death and a key event in the downfall of Macbeth. Banquo Another murder that was this time instigated by Macbeth but Banquo was actually murdered by two men from the dregs of society hired by Macbeth. A killing which is intended to cover up Macbeths previous killings because he thinks Banquo knows.

A very cowardly killing in which Banquo and his young son Fleance are ambushed with little chance of survival. Fleance should also have been killed but Banquo sacrificed his life to help him get away. Again this is a messy killing because Fleance gets away, Fleance his son must embrace the fate of that dark hour. Macduff Family Probably the messiest murder because of the cold hearted, blood thirsty and spiteful way it is carried out.

It was a needless killing which could do nothing but implicate Macbeth, who was warned of Macduff by the apparitions: Macbeth! Macbeth! Macbeth! Beware Macduff, beware the thane of Fife. But then Macbeth is reassured by another apparition that tells him; none of women born Shall harm Macbeth. This cause Macbeth to say Then lives Macduff: what need I fear of thee But when he hears that Macduff has fled to England he decides to slaughter his wife, his babes, and all unfortunate soul that trace him in his line.

This murder shows how Macbeth changes throughout the play into a more confident and brutal man. He loses all his conscience and no longer worries about the implications of his deeds. Who is to Blame Macbeth In the battle at the beginning of the play Macbeths violence against the Norwegians earns him high praise from King Duncan. In this scene King Duncan also announces his decision to pass the throne on to his son. This news angers Macbeth who himself wishes too take the crown. This is the first event when Macbeth shows his desire to be king.

Macbeth though also recognises King Duncan as a great king, King Duncan has just made Macbeth the thane of Cawdor; hath been so clear in his great office. But when he meets the Witches for the first time he shows his desire to overthrow his king and become king himself: Macbeth! That shall be king hereafter. Macbeths reaction to this prophecy makes it clear that he is intrigued by what they have to say. Witches in the 1500-1600's were taken very seriously and in fact during this period more Witches we killed than in any other.

Today we look at Witches tongue in cheek because of the factual scientific age in which we live, but in the period of Macbeth when people believed in the supernatural such prophecies were taken very seriously. At this point it is hard for him to see how he can become king without killing King Duncan, which he does not want to do. When he writes home to his wife, Lady Macbeth, he realises that killing King Duncan does not seem so hard because of an imminent visit from King Duncan. It is this belief from his wife and her plan which gives Macbeth the confidence to kill King Duncan. From this point onwards Macbeth really thinks that he can get away with it and his desire grows, he becomes foolish and blinded of the later repercussions. Banquo makes light of the matter and almost seems to laugh that Macbeth is taking this so seriously.

The Witches also prophesise that Banquo children will be kings. If chance will have me king, why chance may crown me, without my stir. Is what Macbeth first says but after King Duncan decision to make Malcolm king he is pushed towards a more evil way of achieving his goal; Stars hide your fires! Let not light see my black and deep desires. The Witches They were taken very seriously in the 17th century and were seen as mysterious and evil agents of the devil. In the play they have various powers in which they curse and summon the apparitions.

At the start they seem to be the most evil characters but they do not actually kill anyone. They only make three appearances in the whole play in which they actually have a tremendous influence. They instigate the murder and influence Macbeth into killing King Duncan. They have a strong entry in which pathetic fallacy echoes chaos in the weather through the storm. Their power is stronger at the start as they seek out Macbeth but by the end Macbeth has grown more confident and less fearful of the Witches and actually seeks them out. He has actually become more of a devils agent than they are throughout the play.

They witches actually set out to create chaos but actually end causing serious damage to the monarchy and important people in Scotland. Macbeth & Witches They only meet three times but the difference between these meetings is immense: In the 1st Meeting They ambush Macbeth and Banquo on their return from battle. Macbeth is rapt by their news but especially when the prediction that he will become Thane of Cawdor comes true. After this he actually believes that what they say is true. He decides to leave it to fate but eventually he takes matters into his own hands.

In the final meeting Macbeth actually seeks them out and demands information, in the form of the apparitions. Macbeth is actually now more evil than the witches, and to their defence, like Lady Macbeth do not actually kill anyone. Lady Macbeth Traditional view: She is the worst villainess in English literature. But when Macbeth was written, in the 1600's, a womans role in a marriage / relationship would be to support her partner, bear and raise children and to look after household matters.

So in these duties Lady Macbeth would have been seen as a good supporting house wife although there is no real mention of children except when Lady Macbeth says Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums. And dashed his brains out. Modern view: Nowadays Lady Macbeth is seen, especially by feminists as an empowered woman - even the heroine of the play. She arguably does nothing wrong, she just takes the initiative in trying to get what is best for her and her husband (Macbeth). you shall put this nights great business into my despatch. She knows that the only way to make Macbeth truly happy is for him to become king, so she helps him to forget his conscience a little water clears us of this deed. She uses her sexuality to get through to Macbeth and take control over him Hie thee hither, that I may pour my spirits in thine ear, and chastise with the valour of my tongue.

She knows that this will win him over, she has sexual power over him. Another modern psychological view: Lady Macbeth has a lack of foresight which is similar to that of a child. She wants something so badly that she doesnt really think what she is doing, like when a child is enticed by a stranger into a car for sweets in the modern day. She is very unlike her husband because he regrets the murder straight away unlike her who thinks a little water clears us of this deed. Macbeth says this is a sorry sight. Because of this way in which she does not see the consequences of her actions she breaks down and becomes ill before dying just prior to the end of the play.

Conclusion I believe that no one is solely to blame because, as I have explained in my essay there are many key factors in the downfall of Macbeth. If you were to take any one characters role out of the play I dont believe that any of the murders would have taken place and hence Macbeth would not have become king and fallen to defeat.