Laugh With The Queen Mother example essay topic

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Israeli military operations intensified today in the West Bank, with tanks and troops on the move in three villages as Israel continued its effort to uproot terror following six attacks in five days. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon told his nation on Sunday that Israel was 'at war against terror' and vowed to tear out terrorists 'by the roots. ' Meanwhile, at least three people were injured -- one seriously -- when a car exploded in West Jerusalem today. LONDON, England -- Britain's Prince Charles has paid a moving tribute to his grandmother, the Queen Mother, who died on Saturday at the age of 101. In a passionate address from his High grove home, the Prince of Wales lamented the loss of his 'indomitable... darling grandmother', saying her death was a moment he had long dreaded.

The coffin of the much-loved royal, resting in a small stone chapel at Windsor Castle, is set to be moved to the Queen's Chapel at St. James's Palace on Tuesday. (Obituary) On Friday the coffin will be transferred to Westminster Hall where she will lie in state -- only the second royal consort to be awarded the honour -- until her funeral a week on Tuesday. Charles said the Queen Mother had an 'utterly irresistible mischievousness of spirit... somehow I never thought (her death) would come'. The prince said: 'She seemed gloriously unstoppable and ever since I was a child I adored her. ' Queen Mother 1900~2002 IN Depth Britain's Queen Mother 1900-2002 Biography Childhood and marriage Life as Queen Consort o UK's favorite grandmotherFEATURESo Of marriage and divorce Her world at war A love of racing o Gallery: A life in picture so Gallery: Memorial so Her world at war World reaction CNN News Pass VIDEO o Video: Queen 'Mum' dead Resources Queen Mum 'full of life' o News search Timeline Family tree Related site so E-mail tribute so E-mail: Send us your tribute The prince's eyes filled with tears as he recalled how he used to laugh and laugh with the Queen Mother.

'She was quite simply the most magical grandmother you could possibly have, and I was utterly devoted to her. 'Her departure has left an irreplaceable chasm in countless lives but, thank God, we are all the richer for the sheer joy and her presence and everything she stood for. ' The prince, wearing a dark suit and black tie, was seated in the Orchard Room in an outbuilding of his Gloucestershire residence, with two framed photographs of the Queen Mother on a table behind him. 'I know what my darling grandmother meant to so many other people.

She literally enriched their lives and she was the original life enhancer, whether publicly or privately, whoever she was with. 'And, in many ways, she had become an institution in her own right; a presence in the nation and in other realms and territories beyond these shores. 'At once indomitable, somehow timeless, able to span the generations; wise, loving, and an utterly irresistible mischievousness of spirit. 'An immensely strong character, combined with a unique natural grace, and an infectious optimism about life itself. ' Artillery thundered 41-gun salutes in a dozen locations around the UK and in Gibraltar earlier on Monday to mourn the death of the Queen Mother.

In London's Hyde Park, a 2,000-strong crowd of onlookers watched as a horse artillery battery fired the first shot from its 13-pound guns at noon, followed -- here and at 11 other locations -- by one shot each minute. The Queen and two of her family earlier ventured out together briefly from their private mourning to ride horses in the grounds of Windsor Castle. The 05 mm light gun fires a 41-gun salute at the Tower of London The Queen and Princess Anne, both.