Layer Of Foundation For Many Structures example essay topic
In a physical sense, concrete is used as a layer of foundation for many structures. In an emotional sense, concrete the adjective serves a similar function. That purpose is to be the perpetual base on which our lives reside firmly on. After a structure on top of concrete the noun, slowly disintegrates over time or is destroyed in an instant by a force of nature or man, one will many times be able to see the foundation of the structure still fully intact below all of the debris. This concept of foundation, applies to man as well. Many successful people in our world are the ones who have convictions and beliefs that are closely related to the physical attributes of concrete: steadfast, immutable, enduring, and eternal.
Throughout history people have exhibited the tendency to pursue the path of least resistance. They have cast their lot with the temporary. They blindly follow those whose promises are in direct conflict with truth, honesty, equality and fairness. Entire civilizations have disappeared because they were not based on the concrete truths we are considering. Belief in faith, family, democracy, equality and hard work are the foundations of American society. However, my generation is faced with many fears and doubts.
We must search for the strengths to survive and grow. It may seem difficult to find these strong willed beliefs, but there are many sources of encouragement for us today. Our parents, our teachers and our community leaders are a few, but I draw inspiration from the terrible incident at Columbine High School. The teenagers that were murdered inside the library at Columbine High School have been an incredible source of courage for me to stay true to my beliefs. As the gunmen took control of the library, they asked the same question to several of the teenagers. "Do you believe in God?" The teenagers knew what would happen if they answered "yes".
Even knowing this, they remained true to their belief. After hearing each of their answers, the gunman shot each teenager in the head one by one. I was shocked by their conviction. It was steadfast to the end. I was saddened by their deaths, sickened by the pointless purpose, but forever encouraged that my entire generation will be better as a result of their loss. In a very strange way, another layer of concrete was poured on that fateful day.