Leaders And Movements example essay topic

508 words
The pushing forces behind the revolution were the ideas, leaders and movements. Without the three of these things working in unison the possibility of achieving revolution would be near impossible. Each of the three work to back up the others, without the support of the others, they would not work anywhere near as effectively. The first to be derived and the most important of the three were the ideas.

Without them the other two would not have been possible. Liberty was the most prominent idea of Revolution, the concept of capturing their own emancipation from the British was the most appealing theory of the time. The concept of liberty was not the original belief however. Over the time, ideas were altered and born to fit with the current events. Another outstanding idea was that of "no taxation without representation" first said by Patrick Henry at the House of Burgess 1765, this notion spread threw the colonies and was often used to demote the British of their right to tax.

Equally important were the leaders and movements. However without some kind of leadership the movements would not have been able to run smoothly. Without the leaders of the resolution there would be no control, chaos would reign and results would be difficult to obtain. Two perfect examples of leadership through the revolution were George Washington and Samuel Adams. One a dignified statesman, the other a radical propagandist each man inspired American colonists and helped lead them to the freedom they so greatly desired. Washington led the Continental army, and was in turn elected the First American President; Samuel Adams was the co-founder and leader of the Sons of Liberty, Americans most famous extremist group.

This links directly to the movements of the Revolution, the movements were what gave the patriots the colonial backing and in the end secured the support they required to push the idea of liberty to the final stand. The movements, such as the Stamp Act Congress, often gave birth to new ideas, which were then spread throughout the colonies, the men who deliver these ideas often became the leaders of this new concept they created. The movements were also the pushing force behind the federation of the thirteen colonies, as often at these congresses it was desired to have a delegate from each colony. The two continental congresses offer a perfect example of how movements effected the revolution. It was at the Second Continental Congress of 1775 that the colonies banned together and declared war on the British.

Without ideas, leaders and movements I believe the move for independence would have proved impossible for colonist, these three factors were the driving force behind the Revolution. Without ideas there would be no leaders, without leaders no movements, and without movements no inspiration to finally break free from a tyrannical government. Without the three working simultaneously one must agree, there would have been no revolution.