Literature Of Colonial America The Writings example essay topic

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Literature of Colonial America The writings of this period are accounts of European explorers, traders, and settlers describing their adventures. Various different things were going on in America at this time, and everyone's aspect of how things happened is what the writings are about. In order to understand and engulf these pieces of literature, the reader needs to understand how people were living, and what was going on in America. The English- speaking man and the Indians had widely differing cultures that very much clashed and caused upsetting problems. There were also many different people settling in America with a different attitude on religion.

Various different things contributed to the thoughts put into words, which make up the works of the Colonial Period literature. Columbus's Letter Describing His First Voyage is an important piece of writing that is a part of history. It was Columbus's voyage that had united Europe and America. He discovered so much territory that was unknown to the Europeans, and to have a written account of his journey is an amazing part of history. It is an informing piece of writing to read in order to understand the way Christopher Columbus is known to have discovered the Americas. The published works of Captain John Smith tells us the story of how Jamestown, Virginia was established.

John Smith told about his encounters with the Virginia Indians, and also of himself being captured. That is where the myths of John Smith's tale of Pocahontas came about. It may or may not be true, but maybe that is the fantasy that brings this writing to life. True or untrue, it is a long-lived legend that everyone will hear about during the course of his or her lifetime. To be able to read it allows someone to imagine in their own fantasy the things he is describing in words. It is an enjoyable writing to read, and I believe everyone should read it at least once.

There are two women writers from the Colonial Period who have forever imprinted their names in the era of literature: Mary Rowlandson and Anne Bradstreet. Anne Bradstreet, to begin, was the first notable poet in American literature. Her works were published without her consent, and have been studied and critiqued ever since. In her poems she expresses her thoughts on the pleasures of God, life, and especially family.

There are two poems of hers that I really enjoyed reading: To My Dear and Loving Husband and In Reference To Her Children. When you read the first, you can see how sincere her love for her husband is. There is nothing on Earth that could ever accurately express the love and passion she had for him. In the latter, she wrote about her children and the life that they had together. Reading the works of Anne Bradstreet you begin to appreciate the love she has for life, and that spending her time writing about her times with her family is what she enjoyed. I have come to realize the flowery, yet simple things in life are what matter most.

Mary Rowlandson set the footing for the adventure tale of the time. Her narrative about getting captured by the Indians gives the view of how a Puritan would view the savage lives of the "red-skins". Though the story was sort of long, it showed the accounts of how Puritans were devoted to religion by her quotes of the bible. It should be read to get an account of how people thought of the Indians as fiends.

The Literature of Reason and Revolution This period is argued to be the most monumental of all time. It had astonishing advances in science, religion, politics, and philosophy. This had a profound effect on people's beliefs and the way they lived their lives. Two of the most influential gentlemen of this period are Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson. "The Almanack became one of the most influential publications in American history, a delight to generations of readers gratified by preachments on the virtues of hard work, thrift, and resource". That quote sums up the way I thought when I read Benjamin Franklin's FROM Poor Richard Improved.

Today we all use the proverbs Franklin wrote. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is a lengthy selection to expect one to read. Though it made way for the emergence of the autobiography to become a genre of its own. Thomas Jefferson made an impact on politics during this time.

The Declaration of Independence was written and published, which was drafted by Jefferson. Students should study the Declaration of Independence in order to understand the foundation of our country. Another important woman writer emerged during this period. Phyllis Wheatley, who told of being a slave, was taken from her home in Africa and brought to the United States to be placed in the slave market. I was moved while reading On Being Brought From Africa To America.

It expressed her feelings from this dramatic event. The Age of Romanticism The writers of this time followed a theme of free expressionism. Many works of this period had an influential background from nationality. Emerson and Hawthorn wrote of the glory of the land, which seemed to give off a serene feeling. Noah Webster wrote a dictionary of the American language because there was an interest in the local dialect of the common people. One of my favorite poems from Emerson is The Snow-Storm.

The imagery he uses lets my imagination just picture the setting and what is going on. It feels as though you are actually sanding there in the white snow just sitting back, and watching what is going on as it passes you by. Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorn is always a selection that stands out in my mind. Since I have read it, it stands out like a sore thumb. I appreciate the way it is written with the hidden symbolism, yet it is exposed. For example, the name of his wife, Faith.

Another selection by Hawthorn is the Scarlet Letter. I have not read it yet, but very much intend to. It is another that should be read at least once in one's lifetime. It is a prominent piece of literature in our lives today, and will continue to be for decades to come. Emily Dickinson is one of the most well known writers of this time.

Many of her works centered on death. None of her poems were titled; she had numbered all of them. Her poems were not standard reading. They consisted of off- rhyme, paradoxes, and Anglo-Saxon language.

She used hyphens in her poem like no one else had done before. She also used capitalization to emphasize the importance of certain words in her poem. It was not until after her death that her poems were published. Poem 67 is one that may touch a soul or two in this world. It starts to say that: someone who has never succeeded appreciates success more. This principle is present throughout the whole poem.

In Poem 280 Emily Dickinson is thinking about her own funeral. Poem 303 is an expression of how society works. "The soul selects her own society", is present in today's world. Once one has selected his or her circle of friends not many are let into the circle.

Poem 383 is a poem of nature that I enjoy reading. It is not of her usual writings of gloominess; it has a spring like, and happy setting. One of the most notable themes of this time was horror. Edgar Allen Poe is the one noted in the perfection of this genre. The Fall of The House of Usher is a suspense thriller that is known worldwide.

His use of such vibrant language allows the reader to become one with the story. The Raven by Poe made him famous for lyrical poetry. The second, fourth, fifth, and sixth line of every stanza in the poem rhymes. He uses repetition throughout the poem, which emphasizes the suspense of what is going on. Poe is one of the most studied authors in American Literature. His selections are so interesting, and well written, which no other writer of the time has come close to.