Live Within The Area example essay topic

546 words
Dear Political Candidates of Etobicoke North, For those of you that live within the area, you know how the bad the violence here is. It's terrible. There isn't a night where gun play isn't involved, and the residents of the area are getting sick and tired of it. It's been going on for many years, but it's really escalated as of late. Some of us are afraid for our lives, and that's just not good for a healthy lifestyle.

I just can't see myself focusing on my schoolwork when I'm coming to school wondering if I'm going to get back home safely. That's the biggest issue in this whole area. Safety. There isn't a night where I've come home to turn on the news and not seen some outbreak of violence in this area.

It's becoming ridiculous. What might help solve this problem of violence? More jobs, for one thing. If kids had more jobs, then they wouldn't have the time to go out and commit acts of violence. Right now, too many kids are jobless, and have no way to provide for themselves. They then result to 'other' methods of acquiring funds.

Ways which are very rarely legal. Also, a teenager with nothing to do tends to find himself in the wrong crowd. Doing things that he might not otherwise be doing if he had somewhere to go. A job would solve this problem, as the child would now have somewhere to go, and something to work towards.

He also wouldn't be out very late at night because he would have to go to work the next day, and being tired on the job isn't a very pleasant thing. I want the best for this area, and I'm sure you all want the same. My suggestions are at least worth taking into consideration, aren't they? The creation of more jobs should be your main priority. Putting more officers on the streets may seem like a better idea, but that will not stop the crime.

I believe the best way to stop the crime is to stop the reason that these crimes are committed. Putting more police on the street would only result in more arrests, not a decrease in criminal activity. It is better than nothing, but I believe the funds that would be spent on the officers could be put to better use elsewhere. Find ways to help the youth of the area create their own revenue by finding places for them to work, and I am willing to guarantee that the crime in the area drops.

People don't want to be participating in criminal activity. They see it as a last resort. And the fact that there aren't many jobs means that the last resort is almost always the only choice. I thank you for taking the time to read my letter, and taking the time to entertain my thoughts. I wish you all the best of luck, and hope that we can all see the crime in this area drop within your term in office. Sincerely, Kris karte r.