Lives Of Mountain Gorillas example essay topic

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Mountain gorillas are the most endangered of the gorilla species. Approximately 600 or so remain. They are massive in size, with a short, thick trunk and broad chest and shoulders. Its eyes are very small in proportion to its other features.

Older males develop longer heads, and are twice the size of females. The most severe threat to mountain gorillas is habitat loss. The fertile volcanic soil of the Virunga Mountains is as highly valued as farm land. Conservation programs have been set up in Rwanda, Uganda, and Congo to lessen trespassing. However, it still poses a major problem.

By nature, gorillas are very shy and easy going, and seek no trouble. The only exception to this is if the family group is threatened, the gorilla will bravely defend them. Family groups usually consist of thirty or less members. At least one adult male, and a few females and juveniles.

Gorillas continually rove through their home ranges, which are about ten to fifteen square miles. Females give birth at about ten years of age and will have more offspring every three to four years. Males breed between twelve and fifteen years. Females are able to conceive for only three days each month, and will only produce one young.

The baby is weaned at about three and a half years of age. In Western Africa gorillas are hunted for meat or in vengeance for crop raiding. In Eastern Africa they have been caught in snares and traps set for other animals. Poachers have wiped out entire families in their attempts to capture infants for zoos, or for their heads and hands which serve as trophies (African Wildlife Foundation, 1-3).

Humans and gorillas share a common ancestor. One did not evolve from the other, but rather split evolutionary paths about ten million years ago. George Schaller, a gorilla researcher describes this No one who looks into a gorillas eyes-intelligent, gentle, vulnerable-can remain unchanged, for the gap between ape and human vanishes; we know that the gorilla still lives within us. Do gorillas also recognize this ancient connection (Kasnoff, 1) Mountain Gorillas inhabit 285 square miles of high-elevation rain forest in east-central Africa. They are herbivores, their food sources grow abundantly in this cool, moist mountain climate (Kasnoff, 2). Until recently their endangered status had begun to look more hopeful.

However, because of habitat loss, poaching, and civil war their status is again looking very grim. They face a new threat, the effects and results of a civil war in Rwanda in the 1990's in which 500,000 people were killed and 750,000 are now living in poverty on the borders of the gorillas reserves. This has brought an abrupt end to gorilla tourism, cutting off the much needed foreign money. Also, forests on the Zaire side are being cut down for firewood in refugee camps. Mountain Gorillas future depends heavily on whether a stable government can be restored and maintained in Rwanda. As well as if they can house and feed its refugees without destroying the park (Kasnoff, 3).

This unceasing political unrest is interfering and undoing almost twenty years of extraordinary conservation work. Beginning in the early 20th century, collectors and hunters from Europe and the United States began to capture or kill mountain gorillas. Carl Ak eley of the American Museum of Natural History shot five gorillas in 1921. He became fascinated with these animals and convinced the Belgium government, which ruled Zaire at the time to establish Africa first national park for them in 1925. The gorillas were well protected until about 1960 when civil war broke out and the park protection disappeared. As stated previously, poachers set up snares that the gorillas were caught in, they were also murdered for meat and parts.

Heads and hands were sold as souvenirs to tourists. Massive amounts of habitat was lost to agriculture. The countries in which the gorillas live have some of the densest human populations in the world. Any land that is not protected is farmed. The exploding population places unyielding pressures on gorilla habitat. Dian Fosse y, the American zoologist regularly began patrolling the forest and removing snares set for animals in 1963.

Gorillas often lost a hand or a foot to infection from these traps. She was murdered for her good deeds in 1985, undoubtedly by poachers (Kasnoff, 1-3). Stephanie Hancock, who studies mountain gorillas shares her personal experiences, and recent information on the mountain gorillas. Hancock visited with a peaceful family of twenty-five mountain gorillas in the Virunga Mountains of Zaire in 1994. She describes it as the most wonderful memory she has.

Much to her dismay, she has learned of this recent information. On August 14th, the leader of the group, and an adult female were shot to death, while trying to prevent the kidnapping of an infant. A ranger of the Parc National des Virunga was hired by a private collector to capture a young male gorilla. The ranger knew the silverback leader of the group very well, and thought he could just seize the baby. As mentioned before, gorillas are very protective of their families.

The ranger obviously did not contemplate this enough beforehand. This cost two magnificent endangered creatures their lives. Fortunately, the baby gorilla was rescued from a truck at the Uganda border, and successfully returned to his family. If there is not a male qualified to take over the role of the silverback the group may wander apart aimlessly, at the mercy of the poachers.

This places a serious threat on the entire species chances for survival. Recently, at least eight mountain gorilla deaths have been recorded. This is a substantial loss in a population of about 600. On August 22nd Zairian soldiers tried forcing some refugees back to Rwanda, but unfortunately forced about 60,000 of them into the mountains to escape the repudiation. This further increases the pressure on the gorillas habitat. According to a study directed by the United Nations, 18 square kilometers of forest has already been destroyed for firewood purposes, and 78 square kilometers are badly damaged. deforestation and the invasion of refugees in the National Park puts the gorillas at risk of being forced higher up the mountains, where they may suffer respiratory problems.

Another serious problem is the drop in tourism that has resulted from the war and the refugee situation. The National Parks get the majority of their revenues from the tourists who come to see the gorillas. If the park cannot maintain a constant flow of income, it will be taken away from the gorillas protection. If the park is not protected there will be no limits to the destruction done to the mountain gorillas only habitat on earth, which would inevitably lead to their extinction. Visiting the mountain gorillas is the best way to reduce their predicament.

By doing this one would help guarantee their continued protection, and see what wonderful creatures mountain gorillas are. Although going to Rwanda is not recommended, you can still visit gorillas in Uganda or Zaire (Hancock, 1-2). The Kari soke Research Groups is an organization dedicated to researching and bettering the lives of mountain gorillas. Since September of 1998 the staff have been making weekly trips to the Volcanoes National Park. The three research groups that they have been studying are in good health, and there have been several new births, further increasing the population. Hopefully more good news like this will continue in the near future (Williamson, 1-2).

Gorilla Haven will be a safe haven and temporary holding facility for zoo gorillas in need (The Dewar Wildlife Trust, 1). They will also have schools and universities hold educational programs on its property. Gorilla Haven is located on 275 acres in Northern Georgias Blue Ridge Mountains. The staff will word together to ensure the survival, welfare, and genetic diversity of the captive gorilla population.

Each gorilla is placed into a stable family or social group. Since the early 1980's there has been an increase in male gorilla births at some zoos. Because of this, bachelor groups are being formed in order to accommodate this increase. A Board of Directors is being chosen to include a variety of individuals with professional and academic backgrounds.

Experienced gorilla keepers will give the gorillas excellent care first and foremost without the public concerns of a typical zoo. Veterinarian services will be accessible 24 hours a day. Gorillas will be given the choice to be in- or outdoors at all times in protected, secure and appropriate habitats. Gorilla Haven will not be open to the public. Therefore, all efforts and resources will be focused on the needs of each individual gorilla at the facility. Breeding will not be a goal, but as social animals the gorillas will be housed together as much as possible (1-4).

Mountain Gorillas are our magnificent ancestors that are in great danger of becoming extinct. Outstanding efforts must be made in order to preserve their species before it is too late. This requires a genuine caring effort by all those involved in this plight to save the mountain gorillas..