Local Branch Requests Product Order Product Order example essay topic

744 words
Overview. The process is designed to handle the interaction with customers and suppliers, and also deals with stock control. Invoice and payment data is recorded. For clarity I have noted down the following: o Head Office consists of - Product Management Finance Sales A Local Branch consists of - A Local Office Warehouse Distribution Preliminary List of Entities. In my top-down analysis of the Metropolitan Pharmaceuticals scenario, I have first attempted to produce a preliminary list of candidate entities. These are as follows: o Customero Customer Ordero Customer Invoiceo Sales - Occurs only once so isn't include do Producto Product Ordero Suppliero Supplier Invoice o Finance - Occurs only once so isn't include do Local Brancho Local Office - Is part of Local Branch so isn't include do Distribution - Is part of Local Branch so isn't include do Warehouse - Is part of Local Branch so isn't include do Stock The following page shows my list of probable entities: List of Probable Entities. o Customero Customer Ordero Customer Invoiceo Producto Product Ordero Suppliero Supplier Invoice o Local Brancho Stock Descriptions and expected essential attributes for the above entities: Since the system analysis is focused on dealing with customers, suppliers and handling products, I have included all entities which I believe participate in these activities. o Customer Description: Retail chemist shops or pharmacies associated with shops, hospitals or medical practices.

All require a supply of products from the Metropolitan Pharmaceuticals system. Attributes: Customer ID - Identifying attribute Name Address Telephone Number Fax Number e-mail Contact Name Delivery Address Credit Rating Customer Order Description: An order placed by the Customer requesting the delivery of product. Attributes: Order Number - Identifying attribute Customer ID Product IDQuantityo Customer Invoice Description: An invoice sent to the Customer from the Finance department, requesting payment for the delivered goods. Attributes: Invoice Number - Identifying attribute Order IDDateAmount to be pai do Product Description: An item that is supplied by the Metropolitan Pharmaceuticals system.

Attributes: Product ID - Identifying attribute Name Description Category - (A, B, C or D) Stock Item - (Yes or No) o Product Order Description: An order that is sent to either the Supplier (if it is a non-stock item) or a Local Branch (if it is a stocked item), requesting the delivery of a product to a customer. Attributes: Order Number - Identifying attributeDateProductCustomer ID Quantity Supplier Description: A company that is able to supply a range of products to Metropolitan Pharmaceuticals. Metropolitan Pharmaceuticals does not manufacture any of its products, but instead, uses suppliers who either produce or procure the products. Attributes: Supplier ID - Identifying attributeNameAddressTelephone Number Fax Number e-mail o Supplier Invoice Description: An invoice that is sent by the supplier to Metropolitan Pharmaceuticals requesting payment for the product it has provided.

Attributes: Invoice Number - Identifying attribute Date Amount to be pai do Local Branch Description: A local outlet that contains a Local Office, a Warehouse and a Distribution Center. Attributes: Branch ID - Identifying attribute Name Address Telephone Number Stock Description: A full inventory of products that are held in stock at the local branch. Attributes: Stock ID - Identifying attribute Product ID Location - e.g. Shelf number Quantity Re-Order level Entity Links or Dependencies. Now to identify which pairs of entities have an association between themselves. o Customer is related to Customer Order: Justification: Customer places Customer Order Customer Order is placed by Customero Customer is related to Customer Invoice: Justification: Customer receives Customer Invoice Customer Invoice is received by Customero Customer Order is related to Local Branch: Justification: Customer Order is received by Local Branch Local Branch receives Customer Ordero Local Branch is related to Stock: Justification: Stock is held by Local Branch Local Branch holds Stock Local Branch is related to Product: Justification: Product is received by Local Branch Local Branch receives Producto Local Branch is related to Product Order: Justification: Local Branch requests Product Order Product order is requested by Local Brancho Product Order is related to Supplier: Justification: Product Order is received by Supplier Supplier receives Product Ordero Product is related to Supplier: Justification: Product is sent by Supplier Supplier sends product Supplier is related to Supplier Invoice: Justification: Supplier sends Supplier Invoice Supplier Invoice is sent by Supplier The following page shows my preliminary Entity Relationship diagram.

I have chosen Local Branch as the central active entity.