Logic And My Perception Of Reality example essay topic

800 words
The nature of logic and perception Logic is the science of reasoning or sound reasoning. Logically the only reasoning I seem to understand is my own. This has caused me to make many wrong decisions. My judgment with people usually end up with me looking like an idiot, but I live with the logic what don't kill you is bond to make you strong. To understand what logic is first you need to be able to be able to understand the reasoning for exactly what is going one at the time. Perception is the act or results to perceiving as well as the ability to understand.

My perception of people and the thing that they are capable of always comes to a surprise to me. I generally perceive people as being good and always give everyone the benefit of the doubt. If you do not understand the situation that is going on your perception of reality will not always be what you except it to be. Logic and perception is really to understand what is really happening verses what you what to be happening. Astronomer Carl Sagan famously said, 'Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. ' Although sometimes we may have evidence right in front of us, most of us still do not want to come to grasp of what is really going on.

Critical thinking has a big part to do with sound reasoning and the ability to understand. I think that critical thinking is weighting out all possibilities before coming to a conclusion. Using critical thinking helps us to rule out assumptions and it helps us to come up with what sounds or seems to have more logic. I can identify with a situation that happen to me where I didn't use logic and my perception of reality was far from what was actually taking place.

It also changed my perception of reality and the truth. I was dating an individual that I worked with. I known he for about five years but it was always on a professional level. I thought was kind, sweet and sincere. Everything seemed to be great. We shared nice days together at work and peaceful relaxing evening together after work.

I could not ask for anything else everything was wonderful and life could not get any better than this. I thought that we were in a committed relationship and I believed that nothing out of the ordinary was going on. I thought that I could truth this person with any and everything. When I had a hard day he was my shoulder to cry on and when I had reason to celebrate he was there as well. What was really going on was that he was not only dating me but other women at the job. We use a womanizer and my manipulator who picked up women when they were at the weakest point of their life and so called tried made it better.

Besides all those things he was the biggest lair I have ever met. Not only did I love him he made me believe he felt the same way. The difference in what was really going on and what I thought was going on was as different as night and day. The difference was that he was not being honest with me. I thought we were trying to help each other out during hard times, but he was just using me to get things that he normally couldn't afford on his own.

What finally happened was that I broke it off with him. I woke up and realized that I was too good for him and I also realized he was a loser. Though out this whole ordeal I learned that you should never put all your eggs in one basket. This made me aware of the thing that I was doing for him was to buy his affection not because I loved him. I thought that if I did everything he wanted he would be with me. My critical thinking process changed because now I am not as gullible as I was in the past.

I have learned how to evaluate all aspects of what is happening and what I think is happening. It is easier for me now to determine the truth from reality. I can sum my entire paper in eight words, "The easiest person to deceive is one's self". (Lord Lytton). I know now that if I had used critical thinking in the beginning I would have never been in that wasted relationship.