Long Time Marco Polo example essay topic

796 words
Marco Polo was one of the greatest explorer of all time, he came forma a town in Italy named Venice; he lived from 1254 to 1353. He lived to be seventy years old. The life he lived was one of the lives well known hundreds of yeas after his death. He explored places nobody had the guts to explore. Places man had never seen in the past history. Maybe this is why he is remembered all over the world today.

He profit one of the Bible story was not real or ever was. Before his life change he had a rough childhood. Historians don t know much about his childhood. They know that he spent most of his time near sailors. His mother died and he lived with some relatives.

I wonder how he lived without his mother and father? Marco Polo explored most of Asia and some of the Middle East. Marco Polo didn t travel alone, he had his father and uncle with him. They traveled for 24 years before they went back home.

They went thru cites that are unknown in our maps maybe they changed names or they are in ruins in the present day. He explored all of Asia, He made a lot of friends and enemies. So Marco and his father and uncle made a lot of friends with Kings for protection. Their protection was the main thing in their minds. With the protection from kings they had a safer trip from kingdom to kingdom. This was an advantage other explorer didn t have at this time.

This is why the Polo's explored so many places than other explorers at the time, to see the Polo's route look at the maps at the back. The Polo's had the best of friendship with the most powerful kings of that time. His name was Kublai Khan emperor of the Mongol's Kingdom; Kublai Khan gave the Polo's a pass that gave them the ultimate protection. At this time Mongol Kingdom was all the most all of Asia.

Every protection, at this time Mongol Kingdom was all the most of Asia other Kingdom fear the Mongol Kingdom. Marco talks about the ways the Mongol's conquered countries. He also thanks about their cultures and the Emperor daily life, when they decided to return home all the Polo's were old. They knew their protection was almost over. The reason the thought this is that the emperor was old and sick. Their protection pass was about expired.

They had many enemies that were that were waiting for this day. They arrived home at the time the emperor died at first nobody knew them. There are stories about how the Polo's convinced their families they were they. Marco decided to explore one more modern Turkey to trade, Marco was in the middle of a war at Turkey and became a prisoner of Turkey. In the time he was in prison he wrote a book about his adventures. Three years later he is let free and goes back to Venice and settle down.

The lived with the money he had made over the 24 years of exploration and the profits the book made. Historians don t know a lot about the father and uncle of Marco Polo. The reason is that Marco didn t say a lot about them. We do know they liked to trade and explore. They liked it so much they left behind their families and that included Marco Polo. For long time Marco Polo thought his dad was dead.

What Marco didn t know is that his ther had become friends with the most powerful king of Asia that was Kublai Khan, The Mongol emperor. The father and uncle spoke of Europe and the king became nte rested and wanted proof of what they spoke about. This is the reason why Marco's father and uncle came back to Venice. The father and uncle wanted proof of the Christian religion so they went to get a sign paper from the Pope. Their luck, the pope had just died a month before. They need to wait until a new pope was made into office.

That could of taken months, years and the emperor was waiting for their proof. While waiting Marco's father took this time to know much better Marco and asked Marco to come with him and trade over Asia. The young Marco Polo had nothing to lose and a lot of things to learn.