Lonnie To The Fat Man example essay topic

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This book, The Outside Shot, is the sequel to Hoops, a book I read in middle school. Lonnie Jackson, the main character, is going off to college at Montclare state, in Indiana. Lonnie gets a scholarship to play basketball at Montclare State College. Lonnie, along with all the rest of the basketball players, stays at Orly Hall on the second floor. Not to long after he shows up their he meet this girl, Sherry, that asks him if he wants to be in this study group she's putting together because he is in one of her classes. He says yes and not long after that they are dating.

Lonnie gets a job from his basketball coach and will be working at a hospital a few miles away from the college. When he gets to the college they tell him that he will be working with this kid named Eddie. They don't know what's wrong with him but he doesn't really interact with the other kids. Lonnie's job is to try to get him to interact with him and other kids. When Lonnie is sleeping one night, Colin and Sly wake him up to see if maybe he could help Juice get out of this music store in town.

Colin, Sly and Juice all snuck into the music store at night, to count how many jellybeans there were in this one jar. Because the person that comes closest to the count gets money or something. So the guys thought that they would sneak in one night, count the jellybeans and give their number the next day. Then when they win, give everybody a portion of the money. Well they all went in trough a transom on the roof, but Juice couldn't get back through the transom to get out. Lonnie decides to go help and all three of the guys couldn't get Juice back through the transom.

There is a clock on the wall and they all can see that it is getting closer to opening time, so they get instruments and set them up to were people walking past can see them. They start playing the instruments like fifteen minutes before the store is supposed to open and draw a crowd. When the owner gets there, he doesn't know how the guys got in, but Lonnie tells him that it's a military secret. When the cops asked the owner if he wants to press charges the crowd yells NO. So the owner says he wont press charges unless he finds something missing. They don't find anything missing so the cops let them go.

The Fat Man, a guy who bets on games, sets up a playground game between the Mill guys and the Post office, but the Mill guys need a coach and the Fat Man asks Lonnie to coach them and if he does he gets fifty dollars. A few days later Lonnie decides to coach the game, so he can get fifty dollars to take Sherry out. The Mill guys win and after he gets his money he takes Sherry out to the movies. The police thought that the Fat Man was fixing some of the college games.

But in order to do so he needs a player from the team in on it with him. The police found out that Lonnie knew the Fat Man and thought that he was the one in on it with him. The police questioned Lonnie and a few other teammates, but until the police are done with there investigation Lonnie was going to be suspended from the team. After a week past Leeds, the coach, called Lonnie in and the police were there. The police talked with Lonnie and Leeds and said that they didn't find anything on Lonnie so he could return to the team. Larson, an All- American basketball player, introduced Lonnie to the Fat Man so Lonnie thought that Larson was the one fixing the games.

But Larson decided to go play ball overseas so the police couldn't do anything to him. By the end of the book, Eddie was talking a little. Eddie would talk more to Lonnie then he would anyone else. The doctor said that this is the only progress Eddie has made in years and wants Lonnie to keep working with him.

Lonnie and Sherry are still together and during Lonnie's suspension he told Sherry that he loved her.