Look For The Cat example essay topic

380 words
Cat Scratch One Thursday afternoon I and some friends were going to go out to play baseball. They weren't ready yet so I went to the park to wait. There was an all white cat, with short hair, and green eyes. It looked just like my old cat that ran away.

I thought to myself for a while. Than I decided to bring it home just to see if I could keep it. It was a long walk. I thought for sure it would get away from me.

It didn't though. As I walked with it it looked like it was getting at me. So I got to my house. I went inside and my dog went psychotic. I ran right out site with the cat. My dog almost got out and knocked me over.

The cat was hissing and growling at me, but I stupidly held on to it. I should have let go. All of a sudden the cat strike at me. It missed though.

The second time it didn't. It was so deep. The bite went all the way to the bone. The cat was gone before I could blink. My mom was screaming,' Go get the cat!' I ran after the cat but i could not find any trace of it.

I was bleeding real bad so I went inside. My mom was yelling at me,' Now you could have rabies, what were you thinking!' I was more scared of the rabies than my mom at that point. I had to go look for the cat one more time before i went to the E.R. When I got back animal control was there. They asked me question after question for two hours. It was so boring.

If anything this day was bad luck. To add to it I had to go to the E.R. to get shots. The doctor said cats don't carry rabies. I was so happy. I still need three other shots though.

At least now I won't pick up any animals. I still have three large scars from it..