Macbeth's Evil Ambition In The Beginning example essay topic

680 words
In Shakespeare's Macbeth a play, a man named Macbeth goes through a great transformation; Macbeth goes from being a heroic general in the king's army to an assassin and a tyrant. The theme of the play is never give into evil because it destroys no matter what the benefits are. Blood Imagery is very important in the play; it shows Macbeth's evil ambition in the beginning, middle, and end of the play. In the beginning of the play, blood imagery is very important. 'Till he unseam ed him from the nave to the chaps, / and fixed his head upon our battlements' (I. ii. 22-23).

Macbeth has just killed the enemy and become a hero; Macbeth killed the enemy not for fame or fortune but to defend his land and people. In this next quote Macbeth's evil spirit starts to grow by completing the witches prophecy. 'I go, and it is done; the bell invites me. / Hear it not, Duncan; for it is a knell / that summons thee to heaven or to hell' (II. i. 62-64). Macbeth's selfish and evil desires have grown; he kills his own king in order to obtain the crown; this is no act of a heroic general but a selfish cold-hearted man.

'Oh, yet I do repent me of my fury, / that I did kill them' (II.. 99-100). Macbeth slaughters these two men to conceal his actions and to remove suspicion from him; Macbeth's evil spirit is growing; he must commit more evil crimes in order to cover up his others. In addition to the beginning, Blood Imagery is very important in the middle of the play. Macbeth's actions are not as direct as in the beginning; he now plans murders and hires murderers to kill for him; Macbeth kills his good friend Banquo to protect his position. 'Oh, treachery!

Fly, good Flea nce, fly, fly, fly! / Thou mayest revenge' ( .. 18-19). 'Avaunt! And quit my sight! Let the earth hide thee!

/ Thy bone are marrow less, thy blood is cold; / thou hass no speculation in those eyes' ( . iv. 93-96). Banquo's ghost haunts Macbeth, and Macbeth is unable to face it. Macbeth's evil ambition usually leaves Macbeth feeling at peace or safe, but now his ambition has left him with a painful vision of his dead friend.

'What, you egg! / Young fry of treachery! / He has killed me' (IV. ii. 79-82).

Macbeth has sent his men to catch and kill Macduff, and instead Macbeth's men kill Macduff's innocent son and later his wife. Macbeth is now giving orders to kill woman and children; he has become a complete tyrant. In addition to the middle, blood imagery is important to the end of the play. 'Out, damned spot! out' (V. i. 28).

Lady Macbeth's guilt has overcome her; every night she scrubs her hands to remove the blood, the guilt of killing. Lady Macbeth pays for her husband's crimes with her life. 'He's worth more sorrow, / And that I'll spend for him. / He's worth no more. / they say he parted well, and paid his score' (V. vs. 51-53).

The evil Macbeth killed the good young Siward. YOung Siward's blood was spilt for good; he did not die in shame; young Siward died with honor as a soldier should and for that his father was proud. 'Behold, where stands / the usurper's cursed head' (V. vs. 54-55). Macduff has defeated Macbeth and returned with his head; he hails Malcolm as king.

Macbeth's blood signals the end of his reign of terror and his own suffering from worry and pain. His evil ambitions cost him his dreams and his life. Blood Imagery in this play shows Macbeth's change from good to bad because of his evil ambitions.