Macbeth's Nature example essay topic

375 words
Anne Frank had once said, "In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart". Regardless of all the wrongdoings, crimes, or evils one has done, goodwill is retained at each and every human hearts. Benevolence is the fundamental root of human nature; no matter how evil a person may appears to be, his righteousness still exists. The main characters in The Great Gatsby and Macbeth are examples that demonstrate this quality. In Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby had a notorious reputation for bootlegging.

His sudden and immense wealth was acquired through illegal activities associated with gang members. Despite all the illicit crimes, he was a good man at heart. He provides the hopeful mood of the novel. Gatsby cares deeply about his love ones, especially Daisy, the woman of his dreams. He was willing to take the blame for a murder she committed, even after she chose another man over him. Mistaken as the murderer, he tragically lost his life to someone seeking revenge.

Macbeth, by William Shakespeare presents a seemingly evil character. Macbeth's treacherous acts of murdering his own king and companions are more than enough to condemn him to hell. However, it is clear in the beginning of the play that Macbeth's nature is basically kind. He was horrified at his own unfaithfulness towards the king, especially the thought of killing him. If it weren't for outside influences, he would have remained a loyal subject. After killing the king, he developed an internal conflict against himself.

His conscience was deeply disturbed, which shows that he does have an ounce of moral left within him. Also, his love and respect towards his wife at the inception of the play demonstrates his affectionate side. Both Gatsby and Macbeth have their faults, but they both possess compassion as well. No one is completely bad.

No matter how awful a person may seem on the outside, there is still goodness contained inside of him. People may do wrong things, but benevolence is a quality of human nature and it remains rooted within each and every one of us.