Made Before The Age Of Exploration example essay topic

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By the early 1400's Europe reached a unique point in there Economy they had developed there economy to the highest Point possible for there time. The 1400's ended the middle Ages and developed the age of exploration and discovery. The years of 500 ad-1100 ad is known as the early / Low middle ages, during this period there economic heath Decreased 80%, from 1100 ad-1400 ad were the late / high Middle ages. The economic health increased due to the central Monarchy this was due to feudal states taking over other feudal States. During the early middle ages there was no central gov " tIn Europe, they were under the control of feudalism. After 1400 ad Europe reached its highest economic points Since 500 ad.

Europe at this time was full of wealthy bankers And merchants they were looking to invest but Europe reached The point of saturation, they had to look outside the borders of Europe to make $ they needed exploration of the world to do this To make this dream a reality the wealthy pooled there $Together in order to invest in exploration, they would use this Pooled $ to develop a corporation not at the hands of the gov " this is called a private sector venture. Once the investors developed There corporation they need to go the to govt for the right to invest Beyond the borders of Europe. If they govt agrees they grant the Corporation a royal charter. Most voyages of exploration failed But the ones that succeeded brought plenty of $ for the economy.

To protect there investments the corp's put together standing Armies, these standing armies were known as privateers they had There own boats, weapons, training, and uniforms. From 1400-1500 AD there was a lot that the corporations Had to figure out before they can start making $, they had to Understand and develop trade winds, cartography, ships compass, And cargo vessels. Trade winds were safe predictable winds that sailors and Traders used to safely get across the ocean with there valuable vessels And cargo. There are 2 key trade Winds one is known as the middle Passage and the other are around the Cape of Good Hope. The Middle Passage is the way from the old world to the new world, the cape of Good hope is the southern most tip of Africa sitting between the Indian And Atlantic oceans, they winds by the Cape of Good Hope are some of The strongest in the world blowing southbound. From 1493-1498 VascoDagama developed a way to get around the Cape of Good Hope.

A Second pre request known as cartography they needed to master This to get around the world, they needed a scientific or uniform way Maps. Maps had been made before but were not uniform. Another pre-request was known as a sextant this was a navigational tool 1st used by the Phoenicians. It was used by euro sailors as a navigational tool.

The Sextant worked though triangulation; this was the process in which 3 Brings usually stars were used to form a triangle, this was lack in Bc it couldn't be used in the day time. The ships compass was Also something important to the age of exploration the ships Compass was diff from a lands compass, the compass was Housed in a case were mechanical arms with balances Compensated for the rock in of the boat. This was never Made before the age of exploration. The cargo vessel was Also important the cargo vessel was a large vessel but was Able to make quick changes in direction.

It had multiple Masts and sails of diff sizes and shapes. They had a highly Trained crew that could detect any change in wind or Current and compensate with the sails. There were 3 major explorers involved in the age of Exploration. In 1492 Columbus made a voyage founded by Queen Isabella he crossed the ocean and found valuable land Known as the new world. Da Go ama from 1493-1498 proved You could make it around the Cape of Good Hope without getting Dragged to Antarctica. Magellan was the first to sail around the World he said you can sail anywhere by boat and proved you Can get from any place to another by water.