Main Advantages Of E Mail example essay topic

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To answer the question in the unit log on how video conferencing has advantages over e-mail, bulletin boards and other ways people can communicate in the business world, we will have to look at each one in detail and then come to a conclusion. Video conferencing Video conferencing allows people to conduct face to face meetings with people in another part of a building or even another part of the world, without any one leaving their desk. Video conferencing was expensive to use at one point due to people having to hire expensive equipment and rooms to use when having a conference. Because of this people had to leave their normal place of work, as the equipment was not available to many people this made it very time consuming. As computers have become more advanced people don't need to hire equipment as most desktops can now be used to have a conference. Too use a desktop video conferencing system you also need in addition to a PC: .

Video Compression Card. Sound Card. Video Camera. Specialist Software The advantages of using video conferencing are: . Reducing travel and hotel accommodation costs. Making meetings more productive, since computer and paper documents can be sent rapidly to members of the meeting screens...

Allowing people who normally work from home to stay at home yet still take part in meetings. The main types of desktop video conferencing systems are: Vivo Software Vivo 320, Intel Pro share, Picture Tel LIVE PCS 50 and AT&T Visit um 1200. Electronic Mail Most networks have electronic mail facilities, local area networks (LANs), which are based at a single site, or wide area network (WANs), which are widely dispersed and may be based around many sites. Electronic mail or e-mail as it is known enables messages letters and other documents to be sent from place to place electronically rather than through the mail. E-mail is sent via a service provider like freeserve, cable and wireless etc. The e -mail is sent by the sender who composes the e-mail they want sending and then types in the recipients address.

The address depends on who you may have the account with. For example I have an account with yahoo and my e-mail address is With e-mail you can also send attachments like pictures, sounds, cards etc. The main advantages of e-mail are: . E-mail is faster than ordinary mail... The e-mail does not need to be printed out or stamped... It costs very little to send an e-mail less than a first class stamp...

It is more environmentally friendly as less paper is used. The disadvantages of e-mail are; . The security can be breached so others may read your mail... People may not read their mail on a daily basis... Many people don't have access to an e-mail facility. Below is a screen shot of an e-mail facility in this case yahoo mail.

The first screen shows the inbox this shows what mail the user has. The second shot shows the composer this is what the user uses to send an e-mail. Bulletin Boards A bulletin board is like a notice board but the difference is that it is electronic. Like a notice board people can put certain information onto the board where other people can see the information and reply to it by sending a message back via the bulletin board or via e-mail.

A bulletin board is provided by a computer which is permanently connected and switched on to a telephone line so users can log onto the board by their computer. Bulletin boards are mostly used to sell services or goods. Chat services on the net are also classed as bulletin boards as messages are being sent via computer. Bulletin boards are also known on the Internet as forums. From the above you can see that the best solution for a business to communicate is to use video conferencing. I think this because e-mail is not as quick as you have to wait for a message to be sent and then read.

Bulletin boards you can write or chat simultaneously but you can not see the person and this may be a disadvantage as you don't know what someone looks like and while you are chatting the impression they give you. With video conferencing you can show visual images like documents. Below there are other ways information can be passed between one or several people. File Transfer File transfer is used to send larger files, which may not be able to send using, e-mail. This method of sending files is also quicker than sending e-mail. File transfer is used to transmit any type of file by a process which groups the data in packages.

One the data has been sent the receiving computer will check to make sure that there has been no errors during transmission. A message is then sent to the sending message saying the message has been sent. Database Interaction The main advantage of a company using a network rather than a series of stand alone computers is that users are all able to access the same database by doing this there is no need to duplicate data. This is particularly important with data that is frequently modified or updated. Direct Interaction This is basically the sending of voice, data and video over a network. When this service was available people didn't use it as most PCs were slow and didn't have the technology to this job.

As new PCs have come out which are quicker and hold the right technology people are using this more. This allows companies to send a presentation to all its branches at the same time this saves time and money as each branch does not have to be contacted by phone. TASK 2 To transfer a file by using Windows Terminal you need a DTE (data terminal equipment) this basically means a device at each end of the system to send or receive data. In this case it will be a computer. The second step is to have the DCE (data circuit-terminating equipment) this connects the DTE in this case a computer to the transmission network. A modem will be used to do this job the modem is used by most computers when sending or receiving data.

To connect the computers to a network you will need a lead from the modem into the network socket in most cases it will be a phone lead. Once the computer has sent the data the computer who has received the data will have to translate the data into English for the user to understand. The way in which the data is sent both sets of protocol parameters have to be the same. The protocol parameters are set both the same on each computer so the data can be received as quick as possible.

When setting the protocol parameters there are several parts which may need setting these are baud rate, data bits, parity, flow control, stop bits and connector. TASK 3 This part of the assignment was covered in a presentation made to my tutor. I will briefly highlight the topics covered within the presentation. Simplex Data can only travel in one way. Duplex Duplex is when conversation can be made two ways. Half Duplex Two way transmission is possible.

Conversation is made by one user and then the next user uses the system. Asymmetric Duplex Operates in a similar manner to duplex mode, except the transmission speed in one direction is different to that in the other. Asynchronous Each bit is sent at a constant speed so the transmission does not problems with the data. Synchronous This basically means that the two computers stay at the same time so they receive and send data bits at the same time this is known as the binary pulse. TASK 4 NAME OF HARDWARE TYPE OF PORT NUMBER OF PINS GENDER Keyboard Serial 5 Joystick Serial 9 Sketch Of Keyboard Serial Port Sketch of Joystick Serial Port HOLE PIN The connector which will connect to the above will look the same but will have the opposite end to the one above.