Main Cause Of World War II example essay topic

537 words
By 1917, the Great war had been dragging on for many years with heavy causalities, this had been resulting in a stalemate from trench warfare. When Germany sank the Lusitania (a passenger ship with many Americans aboard) off the coast off Ireland, Americans were disgusted and outraged. The sinking of the Lusitania was the major cause of why the Americans decided to enter the war. It had lead to a chain of events that made the U.S. the world super power it is today. For many years, President Woodrow Wilson secretly supported the triple entente, and wanted to help with the war effort. The American population, however, felt that the war was a European affair which dealt with old European rivalries.

This opinion changed when the Germans sunk the Lusitania. The sinking of the Lusitania gave President Wilson enough ammunition to sway the Government and the American public to enter the war. Wilson dispatched more than 500 000 troops to Europe. The Americans had an overpowering strength and easily defeated Germany. Germany had no option but to surrender to a cease fire. If the Americans had not entered the war at that point, Germany, who had freed themselves of two fronts by negotiating a peace contract with the new Bolshevik Government in Russia, may have succeeded in reaching Paris.

However, the Americans did enter the war (heavily influenced by the sinking of the Lusitania) and supplied a humiliating defeat to Germany. The largest impact caused by the American's involvement, was forcing Germany to accept the harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles. These insulting terms included: the ban of battleships and submarines, the disbanding of it's air force, the payment of large reparations and the return of the provinces, Lorraine and Alsace to France. The citizens of Germany fell deep into despair.

The resentment caused by this treaty was a main cause of World War II. At the end of World War I, the stage was set for the United States to emerge as a world power. Although Great Britain and France rejected President Wilson's 14 Points peace plan, they now accepted America into the prominent circle of the European countries. When World War II erupted America was a key player in world politics.

It was imperative to the allies that the U.S. would support the cause. America was not fully active in the war until power hungry Japan attacked their base in the Pacific Ocean. Again, America's strong military presence allowed the allied countries to defeat Germany and Japan. After the death and destruction of World War II, many countries were devastated. The U.S. was strong, being on an isolated continent saved them from being damaged by bombs and land warfare.

America was now one of two new superpowers who came out on top. The Americans now had the money, technology, political influence and military clout to dominate each of these areas around the world. From what seemed to be such a small insignificant event, set off a chain reaction that made the United states who they are today.