Main Relationship In Goodnight Mr Tom example essay topic

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How have three texts you have studied enhanced your understanding of relationships? Refer to Maestro and two other texts of your choosing? Relationships are a complex part of today's society and affect all areas. All relationships are different, and they influence the decisions made by people and others around them. The three texts 'Maestro' by Peter Goldsworthy, 'Dead Poets Society' directed by Peter Weir and 'Goodnight Mr Tom' by Michelle Magorian all enhance the understanding of relationships. These three texts, all show various types of relationships, are all presented in various ways.

The main relationship presented in 'Maestro' involves the unlikely friendship developed between a teacher (Keller) and his student (Paul). The main relationship in 'Goodnight Mr Tom' is rather similar and involves the relationship between an elderly man (Tom) and an evacuee he was forced to take on- a young boy (Willie). Finally the main relationship exposed in 'Dead Poets Society' is between a teacher (John Keating) and his pupils including Neil and Todd. All of these relationships in these texts enhance ones understanding of relationships by techniques used. 'Maestro's' unique technique, is not only the use of first person, but how the whole story is a combination of flashbacks and memories by the narrator Paul of when 'he was only a child'. From this perspective, the narrator reflects back on this enchanted period of childhood and adolescence.

His relationship with Keller is very cold at first, and we know this is misleading through the first line when Paul quotes 'First Impressions? Misleading, of course. As always'. The first chapter is about Paul and Keller, and how they do not get along.

Through the first line, we know that this is a false impression of their relationship and that it will improve. This line that Paul recites, generally describes all relationships. They are false on first impressions, as the person is not familiar to you. 'Goodnight Mr Tom' has a traditional layout, with chronological chapters, and written in third person.

When Tom first meets Willie, it is an awkward experience for Tom, and a frightening experience for Willie as to Willie Mr Tom 'was a towering giant with skin like coarse, wrinkled brown paper and a voice like thunder'. However as one continues through the book it is recognized that William Beech and his relationship with Mr. Tom shows the reader the meaning of true love and what entails a family. Dead Poets Society explores the conflict between realism and romanticism and is set in Welton Academy Boys. Keating, a replacement English teacher arrives, and brings with him a passion for teaching romanticism, thus opening a never-before-seen world to his students. In one of the first scenes, Keating takes his students in front of photos of old boys and quotes, 'listen real close, you can hear them whisper their legacy to you.

Go on, lean in. Listen, you hear it? ... Carpe... hear it? ... care, care Diem, seize the day boys, make your lives extraordinary. ' Here Keating explains to the boys that they are all going to die eventually, so it is up to them to make the most of their lives - to seize the day before it is too late. This is such an important scene for the development of relationships between Keating and his students because he shows them so much passion, and cares about them incredibly.

Another important feature used in all three texts that enhance the understanding of relationships is the use of themes. There are many themes in each of these texts. In 'Maestro' the most significant theme is respect. This develops more understanding towards a particular kind of relationships, in this case a teacher / student relationship. Paul's respect for Keller may not have been apparent at first, however it continued to grow as the relationship progressed. Years later Paul realizes that, 'You don't know what you " ve got till it's gone'.

This line is essential because it is very true in today's society. The message Peter Goldsworthy expresses is that, to value the relationships you have, because once it is lost, you will realize the true meaning of them, and regret that you took it for granted. Respect is also seen through 'Dead Poets Society' by the end of the movie. All students have learnt to respect and value Keating for his teaching methods and for inspiring them.

They all stand up, and with the assistance of the underscoring this turns out to be a very dramatic scene, as they stand up and saluting the teacher 'Oh Captain, my Captain' when he is removed from teaching. The low-angle shot and the lighting, emphasizes the importance of Keating to the students, who are conveyed with mid-shots. Even those who had disapproved of Keating's teaching methods in the beginning of the movie, stood up to respect and salute him, as they finally accept him. Respect is something essential in a relationship and these composers express that respect is essential for a successful relationship. Willie's respect towards Mr Tom, is very strict at first, because he had been brought up in an abusive way by his mother.

His mother had beat him violently and taught him all sorts of values that Tom did not follow such as 'poisonous dogs' and that 'one bite from them muts and you " re dead'. Owning a dog himself, Tom teaches Willie that Sammy the dog, is a most loving and affectionate character. We see through the novel that Willie is mentally scarred by the abuse of his mother, that he feels that he is the one that is always in the wrong and that 'he must be good' to Mr Tom. Tom does not approve of child abuse and talks to Sammy, purposely in front of Willie, as he says 'I don't know nothing' about children, but I do know not to beat 'em and make 'em that scared.

' Willie realizes that Tom is not there to hurt him, and his love for Mr Tom grows. Relationships vary between different people, and the relationship between Willie and his mother, was so scarring towards Willie, that Mr Tom, was someone he needed in his life to keep him alive. This shows that sometimes relationships are so needed, and influence you so much, that you would be a different person without them. One imagines that it is harder to have a relationship with someone who is a lot older than you because of the generation gap, different interests and different social expectations.

Paul's relationship with Keller is bound by the fact that, despite the age gap they share a passion in common. 'Maestro's hows us that it is possible to have a very deep and meaningful relationship with someone who is generations older than you and that being of the same age is not necessarily a contributing factor in a successful relationship Another way that Keller's relationship with Paul helps us to better understand relationships is the fact that as long as Keller was alive Paul never gave up hope in himself or his ability at the piano as he constantly tried to impress Keller as Keller felt that there was 'something missing'. In Dead Poets Society when Todd Andersen refuses to read his poem in professor Keatings' class, he is afraid of getting negative opinion from his classmates, moreover, he truly believes that he is not able to write poetry. However, John Keating neither gives him an 'F' nor lets him sit down however makes Todd believe in himself. He says: 'Mr. Anderson thinks that everything inside of him is worthless and embarrassing, isn't that right Todd, isn't that your worst fear?

Well, I think you " re wrong, I think you have something inside of you that is worth a great deal. ' Saying this was enough to make Todd believe that he is just as any other students of his class is able to write a poem. When individuals experience success, they grow in self-confidence and as their self-esteem grows, they will feel more comfortable to face new challenges. Weir tries to convey that sometimes to achieve that confidence, a mentor is required, someone who can bring you up when you are down. The novels 'Maestro' by Peter Goldsworthy, 'Goodnight Mr Tom' by Michelle Magorian and 'Dead Poets Society' directed by Peter Weir all convey various messages to enhance the understanding of relationships. Through the use of various techniques such as characterization, themes, and music, these texts emphasize the importance and value of relationships..