Making College Tuition Cheaper example essay topic

797 words
Making College Tuition Cheaper I believe that college tuition should be cheaper for everyone no matter what economic level your family is in. College tuition should be very affordable for everyone, so everyone has a chance to get an education without being in debt. There are kids and adults all over the country and world that would love to go to college. Should Universities turn down people because they can't afford it? Of course there are numerous of scholarships, financial aids, and loans available, but sometimes they don't help everyone out that much; because the average family can't fully support the child going to college, and make a living what is called comfortably in residence.

I'd like to see a change in how much college tuition will be in the upcoming years, a drastic change. The cost of out of state is too much to be a full time college student. Although some families make an average amount of money that would seem to not need any help with their college funds, their finances really do. My family is a prime example; we have five kids in my family including myself.

The two oldest kids, my older brother and I both attend college and mine happens to be out of state. Take a look at the numbers; it takes a toll on what a single parent spends per year. My father works very hard for his money and I don't want him to use his money on me getting an education and cheerleading for an awesome college. I want it to mean something, and for him to live on a wealthy note after all of us are done. I know that people's taxes go towards scholarship money and financial aid, but that isn't enough anymore.

More and more graduating youth and adults want to go to college after high school or to get into a new program. I believe the amounts of money we spend in college funds are outrageous. I am almost positive that everyone reading this would agree with me that they wish they hadn't spent so much to get an education. The demand to go to college is high, so I think that the state is going to raise the college tuition because they know the students will pay that much to attend their programs. Tuition should be a set level where everyone could be able to afford it. If a student came from out of state, I believe tuition should be pushed down to about what in-state tuition is and if the student is from in-state they should half what they pay for in-state.

Of course depending on what college you go to the prices will vary and it could still be expensive, but that's where financial aid, scholarships and loans can come in to make it even easier on you to go to college and afford it. I thought if everyone can donate a mass amount of money for a world relief such as September 11th, or the recent Tsunami tragedy that they can raise money for college students. Celebrities could help send people to school. These are just ideas on how this could be helped. Scholarships and financial aid could be raised as well. I think that there are so many kids out there these days that really want to go to college and get an education and succeed in life and they do not have that opportunity because of their families' financial expenses.

We could have so many more professional people in each industry if the young adults were allowed to get a diploma for a cheaper cost and be able to attend more universities. There has to be some way that the state that the college is located that they can help lower the college tuition's for each semester for everyone, not just a set crowd of people that' don't meet the states wage requirements. I think someday that the colleges will realize this and that they will lower the cost of tuition for everyone so they can have a better market of people coming to their university. Everyone wants the dream of having a great job and being rich and pretty much the only way to do that now is to go to college and get your diploma and doctrine. They will realize what a great amount of people will come out and enroll and I think it will be better for everyone because there will be more kids and more professors and it will be easier because everyone's friends will be there to help them through it!