Marilyn Monroe example essay topic

832 words
The Life of Marilyn Monroe By Lesley Ling Marilyn Monroe, also known as Norma Jeane Baker, was born on June 1, 1926 in Los Angeles, California. She was one of Hollywood's most glamorous actresses and her life was almost a movie in it self. It consisted of a rewarding, sometimes difficult modeling career that turned into a prestigious movie career. My essay to follow will discuss her career paths and the triumphs and milestones of her lifetime. Marilyn Monroe was born Norma Jeane Mortenson to Gladys Baker. Since the identity of her father was undetermined, she was later baptized Norma Jeane Baker.

Her mother, Gladys, was a film-cutter for many years until psychological problems arose and she was committed to a mental institution. Norma Jeane spent most of her childhood in foster homes and orphanages until 1937, when she moved in with a family friend Grace McKee Goddard. Unfortunately, Grace's husband was transferred to the east coast and the two of them could not afford to take Norma Jeane with them. By this time she was sixteen years old and her only options were to go to another foster home or get married. She chose the marriage option and on June 19, 1942 wed her twenty-one year old neighbor, Jimmy Dougherty, whom she had been dating for six months. They were very happy together until Jimmy joined the Merchant Marines and was sent to the South Pacific in 1944.

Norma was devastated by this and wanted to keep herself busy, so she took a job in an aircraft factory shortly after Jimmy left. Norma Jeane was a young and vibrant woman. She was a beautiful sight with coppery blonde hair color and bright blue eyes. It was during her time at the factory that she was discovered. It turned out that a photographer was taking pictures of women making contributions to the war effort and caught Norma on film. The photographer was so impressed with her that he asked if she would come model for him.

Within two years, she had quit her job at the factory to continue modeling and to pursue a career in film. Jimmy wanted her to stay home and take care of the house and have babies, but Norma was more interested in modeling. Her and Jimmy divorced that same year. On August 26, 1946, Norma signed her first studio contract with Twentieth Century Fox where she earned $125 a week. Shortly after that, she dyed her hair more blonde and changed her name to Marilyn Monroe.

This name was derived from her stage name, Marilyn Maxwell and her grandmother's last name. Marilyn's first film role was in 1947, "The Shocking Miss Pilgrim". By the time the film was edited to completion, Marilyn's part was non-existing. The roles that she played over the next several years were small, but gave her a chance to develop her acting skills and become more confident.

Once her modeling career became a movie career, Marilyn caught the eye of the famous baseball player, Joe DiMaggio. They dated for two years and due to his resentment towards her career, their marriage only lasted nine months. Soon after her divorce with Joe DiMaggio, she met and married playwright author Arthur Miller. Marilyn became dependent on pills and had a number of tragic incidences. The constant rescues of her overdoses led to the termination of their four- year marriage. Marilyn Monroe died on August 5, 1962 in Brentwood, California.

She passed away in her sleep. The world was in a state of shock over Marilyn Monroe's death. Marilyn's vivacious personality and beauty made it impossible to believe that she was gone. In the end it was Joe DiMaggio who arranged and paid for her funeral.

Every day since her death he sent a dozen roses to her grave. The most famous of all men that Marilyn was involved with was, John Kennedy. There are no real witnesses or hardcore evidence, but the two were seen together many times and friends of Marilyn were told that they had been seeing each other. Some believe that she was murdered to protect the affairs, but sadly, no one will ever know the truth. It has been forty years since her death, and Marilyn Monroe's image still lives on.

She is the basis for fashion and modeling. During her career, she made 30 films and left one unfinished. Her image and name are a multinational business. Today, the name "Marilyn Monroe" stands for beauty, grace, and love. She remains an inspiration for all those who strive to achieve their personal goals and succeed in life.

The cause of her death may still be unknown, but her name will live on forever..