Marriage Of Ann And John example essay topic

633 words
The marriage of Ann and John is not that strong. This stems from two differences in opinion. John believes that to please his wife he must work hard all day and pay the bills so she can eventually have all the nice things she wants. Ann, on the other hand, would like John to spend more time with her in stead of slaving away over the farm. Johns leaving for his father's house puts additional stress on the marriage. It is then that Ann has time to think about their relationship.

The storm also contributes to Ann's feelings of loneliness and despair. The blame for their weak relationship falls on John for not paying enough attention to her. John is a slow, unambitious man, content with his farm and cattle, and naively proud of Ann. We know this because the author tells us in the exposition.

He is also very hard working. He demonstrates this quality by his unwillingness to take on a hired man. This might also be taken as John just being cheap and not wanting to pay another man for work. He is a very devoted husband to Ann.

We know this because everything he does is for her, whether directly or indirectly. He works like a dog all day long to make money to pay off the mortgage so that in the future Ann can have all the nice things she wants. He also shows his love for her by coming back through the storm just to be with her. At the end when John catches Ann with Steven he isn't sure what to do. He finally decides to kill him self so Ann can be happy with the one she truly loves, Steven. John is an all around good guy.

At the beginning of the story we see that Ann is not happy with her life. We see this by her attitude towards John when he says that he will go to his father's house for the day. "Plenty to eat - plenty of wood to keep me warm - what more could a woman ask for?" , this passage shows just how unhappy she is. She is also a very lonely woman. We know this because she tells John that she gets lonely when he leaves. It is this loneliness that drives her to commit adultery.

Ann also feels that she is unimportant to John because he frequently leaves her alone in the house. Ann still wants to act like a young person. We see this when she is thinking to herself while John is gone. She thinks they should wait to pay off the mortgage for a while and do things now before they are to old to enjoy them. After Ann sleeps with John she feels really bad.

She shows this by crying in bed after she commits the act. She realizes then that John is the only one for her, but by then John is dead. Ann is the most to blame for everything that happened. It is true that John didn't pay much attention to her but Ann never told him how she felt so they had no chance of working it out. If she would have told him that she wanted to spend more time with him I'm sure John would have been happy to do so. She brings on her own depression by not telling him her true feelings.

She is also to blame for John's suicide. It was her choice to sleep with Steven; John did not do anything to provoke it.