Martin Luther King Dream example essay topic

422 words
A True American DreamT he picture of Doctor Martin Luther King making his famous "I Have a Dream" speech in front of a Washington D.C. crowd is a true artifact of the American Dream. In the Constitution of the United States of America it is stated that all men are created equal but in society it is over shadowed by racism. Segregation was most common during the fifties and sixties this made it extremely hard for people of color or immigrants to find a good job and live a normal life. For a black man in the fifties there was little or no American dream. A dream is somewhat a condition or achievement that is longed for and with out good effort is highly unlikely. America's appeal is the aspiration of improving the life they are living and the lives of their children.

People move to this country to work to achieve their dreams and make something out of their lives. For an immigrant or an African American, challenges stood in the way of their dreams. The challenge was segregation. If it wasn't difficult enough to make something out of nothing it was harder with the obstacles of segregation. How could one man's American dream overcome the segregation and racism of millions? Doctor Martin Luther King represents the link between Black and White.

His American dream was that his children and children to come would not have to overcome the obstacles of segregation. It was his wish that they could be by constitutional definition regarded as equal. His speeches explained to people what was needed to overcome oppression and segregation. This photo of Dr. Martin Luther King is an artifact of the link between black and white. King never saw his dream come true but his tragic death was a strong push and wake up call to White and Black America. Dr. King's striving for his dream of equality connected a divided American and changed it from Black and White to a whole.

The dream that Martin Luther King believed in is and was shared by millions. His effort to make his dream come true is why this picture is a good artifact of an American dream. It represents the aspiration to change life style and the life of children to come. Martin Luther King dream truly affects all of America and will continue to do so for years to come.