Martin Luther King Jr example essay topic

493 words
On January 15, 1929 Michael Luther King Jr., which was later changed to Martin, was born. His father Michael Luther King was a Baptist minister and his mother was a school teacher named Alberta King. In 1948 King graduated from Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia. with a Bachelor of Arts. After Kings successful campaign to achieve the desegregation of public facilities in Birmington, Alabama in 1965, he concentrated most of his time and efforts on the voter-registration drive in Selma, Alabama to Montgomery, Alabama in March 1963. King inspired and planned the poor peoples campaign, a march on Washington DC, in 1968 to show the relationship of poverty to urban violence. But he did not live to take part in it.

Early in 1968 he traveled to Memphis, Tennessee to support a strike of Poorly paid sanitation workers. There, on April 4, he was assassinated by a sniper named, James Earl Ray. Kings death shocked the nation and was the result of a lot of rioting by blacks in many cities. He was buried in Atlanta under a monument inscribed with the final words of his famous I have a Dream address. Which was taken from an old slave song, the inscription read: Free at Last, Free at Last, Thank God Almighty, Im Free at Last.

Even our current president Bill Clinton had this quote to say about Martin Luther King Jr. : "Thirty-four years ago the man whose life we celebrate today spoke to us down there at the other end of this mall in words that moved the conscience of a nation. Like a prophet of old he told of his dream that one day America would rise up and treat all its citizens as equals before the law and in the heart. Martin Luther King's dream was the American Dream. His quest is our quest. The ceaseless striving to live out our true creed.

Our histor has been built on such dreams and labors. By that statement which our president made is an example of the type of impact that King had on the civil rights movement in the United States, the affect that this man had was that he helped changed the way of life for the minority. His bravery and determination prevailed and he made his dream of every one having rights come true. If King didn't do the things that he did life a swe know it probably would be a lot different from the way that it presently is. King also showed us that there was another way besides the traditional violence to get things changed, I think that its a shame that a man of such greatness had to die at such a young age, today we could only imagine the other things that he may have accomplished if he had not been killed.