Mary's Cousin Colin example essay topic

816 words
"The Secret Garden"; "The movie "Secret Garden" can be considered a fairy tale or a family movie. The movie is about a little girl who loses her parents in an earthquake. After losing her parents, she is sent to live with her uncle who is not a very happy man. In this movie, we see the progress of character developments. Mary Lennox, Mrs. Medlock, Colin, and Mary's uncle change in the end of the movie in a positive way. I will try to point out the causes and the effects in the movie about these character developments.

First of all, Mary Lennox who is a 10 year old girl had no attention or love from his family in her life. She was living in wealth, therefore she was a depressed child because of her parents being busy with parties or their business life, not caring about her much. As a result of these, Mary developed her character in terms of a cold personality, and because of her being used to live in wealth, she always expects attention, and perfection from others who are lower than her. In the story line, Mary finds about a secret garden.

Not having any reason that will keep her alive before, Mary dedicates herself to the development of the forsaken garden. She discovers the truth that lies in the secret garden. Her personality changes after she finds about her cousin and she tries to help him as much as she can. Trying to discover the truth and help her crippled cousin, she develops a new character, who is caring and for the first time she feels love. Mary's cousin Colin, is a boy who is also 10 years old.

He lost her mom when he was small and he grew up having health problems, not being able to walk or take care of himself in his whole life. Because of him being different from others, he isolates himself in a dark room in the mansion, trying to stay away from people, being a sad, alone boy. Mary's appearance changes Colin a lot. After his moms death, Colin was also forsaken by his dad. For the first time, someone cares about Colin and tries to help him. In the end of the story, Colin even forgets the idea he always had in his mind about death and even gets better; being able to walk.

He owes these to his cousin Mary. Colin's father, who lost his wife when Colin was small, is also and Isolated personality, who had no affection in life after his wife's death. His wife's death plunged him into darkness, leaving him alone in this world, making him to forget everything, even his son. Due to his wife's death, he locks the garden, trying to bury his memories there, living a sad, alone life, staying away from everyone.

After Mary discovers the garden and helps Colin out, her uncle remembers his memories when he steps into the garden. Seeing his little boy healthy again, maybe after long years he feels love in his heart and smiles. As a result, we can say that both Colin and his dad owe their happiness in the end of the story to Mary. Last character development of the story is Mrs. Medlock, who seems to be a royal servant and housekeeper. She has a heart of stone in the beginning of the story. After Mary's appearance, she even gets more strict, trying to keep Mary away from secrets about her Cousin.

She always acts strict around people, including other servants who are in lower ranks comparing to her. Feeling herself as an higher-class she ignores people emotions and just dedicates herself to her job. In the end of the story, we understand that she has a heart too. When Mary's uncle was not happy with her work, another servant tries to comfort her. That affectionate move also makes her feel different and as a result of that, she feels maybe for the first time, "love and happiness is more important that priorities". The story ends, every character in the story smiling and again enjoying life, but all those are results of Mary's appearance in the sad mansion.

As a result we can say that all character developments in this story are results of Mary's appearance and the discovery of "the Secret Garden". When Mary reveals the truth, stepping into the forsaken place, she changed herself, and others too, in a good way. She brought happiness to the place which seemed to have nothing like happiness or peace. So Mary's appearance is the biggest cause secret which changed the whole mansion and people there..