Meaning Of Her Baby's Name example essay topic

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'You Can't Judge a Book By Its Cover'A Cry in the Dark, based on a true story, is about a mother whose baby is killed during a camping trip along with her husband. The mother, Lindy Chamberlain claims to have seen her baby being carried away by a dingo and then assumes that the dingo is the cause of her baby's death. As she reports this to the police, she is inconsistent with some of the details that she reports along with other factors that stood against her, the police, med a, and even people watching this take place as it caused commotion in the news, accuse her of murdering the child. The mother and the father of the murdered baby are religious and dedicated to the religion of the Seventh Day Adventists. This is a Christian religion whose main idea is the coming of Jesus C hirst for the second time and observing Sabbath. Because of events associated with the religion similar to the religion of the Seventh Day Adventists, people assumed that the religion of the Seventh Day Adventists were similar to that of a cult.

Also, what increased their reputation of being related to a cult and violence, was their idea and encouraging of scarf ices for their religion. Since Lindy Chamberlain followed this religion and was dedicated to it religiously, people assumed that she could be just as violent and sacrifice her baby Azaria into the wilderness. Ironically, the meaning of her baby's name, Azaria, is 'sacrificed in the wilderness. ' This increased and promoted the idea that she could have actually murdered or 'sacrificed' her baby. This example can even be found today. Since the tragic events of September 11th occurred, people holding names such as 'Muslims' or even 'Middle Easterners " were proved to the stereotyping of being labeled terrorist or violent extremists.

Just because a group of people called themselves Muslims, or whatsoever, committed a crime in the name of their group, whether being a religion, race, or ethnicity, does not mean that anyone with the same name will agree with them or even support them. This is obviously not the correct or efficient way to judge people, yet its very easy to 'judge a book by its cover. ' The people's gossiping, assumptions, and judging the mother stereotypically by her outer characteristics. The people, especially the ones that where not on the side that favored her as being innocent of the murdering of her baby, judged her harshly without getting to really know her.

They were brainwashed by how the media portrayed her or how she 'looked' like to them. This is not enough evidence to actually verify that she is that way or not. The adage, ' Youcan't judge a book by its cover,' is a great example of what happened in this situation. Of course, this is not always the case. There are times, for example, where the stereotypical 'outer' image of a person or a situation, happens to be true, but not always. Hence, it is not enough just to judge and assume by.

If Lindy Chamberlain seemed to be not as sentimental or emotional to the whole situation, that does not mean inside herself and her heart she is not hurting and grieving. Her situation was difficult, but she was stronger and had to maintain her strength by controlling her emotions so that she could remain sane while dealing with the position that she was put in.