Medical Abortion This Procedure example essay topic

617 words
The first step in helping you make a decision about an unplanned pregnancy is to determine how long you have been pregnant (how 'far along' you are). We use urine pregnancy tests, pelvic examination and / or ultrasound to find this out. If you choose to terminate the pregnancy, a counselor will explain the various types of abortion procedures available at Planned Parenthood, so you can choose the option that best meets your medical and emotional needs. First trimester (up to 14 weeks) surgical abortion services are offered at four of our health centers: West Hartford, New Haven, Norwich and Stamford. Early abortions (early uterine evacuation as well as medical or nonsurgical abortions) are available at these centers as well. We also offer surgical abortions up to 15 weeks at our New Haven health center and up to 16 weeks at our Norwich health center.

We offer three types of abortions, First Trimester Surgical Abortion Medical Abortion Early Uterine Evacuation (EUE) First Trimester Surgical Abortion This procedure can be performed 5-16 weeks from the last menstrual period. The usual method of early abortion is suction curettage. It is performed from five to 14 weeks after your last period. The procedure takes about 10 minutes. The vagina is washed with an antiseptic. Usually, a local anesthetic is injected into or near the cervix.

The opening of the cervix is gradually stretched. One after the other, a series of increasingly thick rods (dilators) are inserted into the opening of the cervix. The thickest may be the width of a ballpoint pen. After the opening is stretched, a tube is inserted into the uterus. This tube is attached to a suction machine. The uterus is emptied by gentle suction.

After the suction tube has been removed, a curette (narrow metal loop) may be used to gently scrape the walls of the uterus to be sure that it has been completely emptied. You will have the option of a local anaesthetic or a local anaesthetic plus intravenous sedation. Intravenous anesthesia is always given for surgical abortion procedures at 12-16 weeks. Medical Abortion This procedure can be performed as soon as a pregnancy is confirmed by ultrasound (often as early as 4 weeks). A woman must be less than 49 days pregnant in order to qualify for a medical abortion.

Medical abortion uses a combination of drugs to end a pregnancy. At Planned Parenthood, the medications Mifepristone and Misoprostol are used. A woman receives a Mifepristone pill from the provider. Three days later, she inserts four Misoprostol suppositories into her vagina. This is done at home. The pregnancy usually passes from the woman's body within a few hours but may take longer.

The embryo and other tissue that develops during pregnancy are passed through the vagina. Five percent of medical abortions do not expel the pregnancy tissue. In this rare situation either more Misoprostol is inserted, or a surgical abortion is performed. Most insurance does not pay for medical abortions at this time.

Early Uterine Evacuation (EUE) This procedure can be performed between four and seven weeks from the last menstrual period. In an EUE, the uterus is emptied with the suction of a special syringe. It can be done up to 49 days after the last menstrual period. The traditional suction machine is not used, so the procedure is very quiet. A local anaesthetic similar to Lidocaine is used to numb the cervix.

Read about many other medical services available at Planned Parenthood.