Melinda And Eliza example essay topic

540 words
Women set the standards of emotional strength, physical endurance and bear the weight of not just their world on their shoulders but that of their children, husbands, and parents, adopted and immediate family. The women from The Escape and Uncle Tom's Cabin have much in common. Melinda and Eliza are both beautiful, both wanted sexually by white men, and both have given their hearts to their mates Glen and George. They both share the burden of slavery and the constant noose around their necks that could be yanked at any time. Melinda is a woman that Mrs. Gaines envies, Drag lines is sexually interested in, and fears for her life and that of her husband Glen.

She is emotionally ill equipped to warrant off Dr. Gaines. It's a damned if you damned if you don't situation for her. If she does her master's wishes she is unfaithful to her husband. If she remains faithful to her husband she has no guarantee Dr. Gaines will not become discouraged and sell her or even kill her.

Melinda borrows her courage from Glen, for he believes if they make the trial it proves that they deserve success. Eliza, first and foremost is a mother. George fathers her son, Harry. Within the first few moments of reading you hear George is leaving for Canada to try to gain freedom from his master. Eliza soon finds out that her master, who has been said to be kind, has sold off her son as well as Uncle Tom. She makes her attempt at freedom to save her son's life from the auction block.

Courage is what it takes to do the unbelievable. Eliza has the courage to risk not only her life but also her son's life for a chance at freedom. Black women, especially during the slavery era are put into stereotypes. The stereotypes of today differ from those of over a century ago.

I believe Melinda, in that time, would be considered a Christian slave. She seems to be Christian in her beliefs as far as faithfulness towards Glen and the story seems to be centered on Christian beliefs. Melinda is put into a category where she is subservient to her master as well as her husband. I believe Melinda is passive and draws her strength from her husband. Eliza, on the other hand, could be considered passive until the life of her child takes priority. She takes matters into her own hands and escapes with her son to the north.

She is faced with the barrier of ice and water. The only will, is the will to survive. Both these women feel the pressures of life squeezing out of them and do what they must to survive. Women are a true testament to where life begins and ends.

The lengths a woman will go for her child far outweigh the lengths they will go for themselves. The women of these stories show strength, endurance and love. It's a shame that the real lives of women like them are lost to our generation..