Merchant For One Hundred example essay topic

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World History taught me a lot about the world that I am living in. In this course we did not touch our textbook. We have been learning from the researches that we made. And it was really a good experience that I would always remember and especially my teacher Mr. Robert Gould.

I have learned about the Invention of the rockets during the first quarter. I learned about the History of the rocket, the invention of the rocket began in China with gunpowder and later it was developed into one of the most powerful rocket V 2. Rockets have changed the world. The invention of the rockets bought us to this dangerous world that we are living in today.

But it's also a great invention in the mean of transportation. With the invention of the rockets we were able to have a closer look at our planets in the solar system, the communication system were improved, and the transportation of the satellites. In the second quarter we had a debate on the current event regarding the destruction of the World Trade Center in New York, U.S.A. I was assigned be on the negative side of the statement, "Those who are not with the United States would be considered as our Enemy". And it was really exciting searching about the information regarding this topic.

At first it seemed very difficult to find information about this new event, which just took place at that time. But then I found it with some difficulties but it was worth spending my time on it. It was not right for the President Bush to say that statement. What about the countries who have nothing to do with both the countries? Lets take Thailand, Thailand has no enemies in this world. Why should Thailand go take a side of Afghanistan or the United States?

Every country has their own rights, right to choose. If the world started to take sides then there are also chances of the World War. The President Bush has no rights to force the world to take his side. Well I have learned a lot about this topic and I can stand for my own statement that I have done researched on.

I stand for my opinion and for my thinking. In the Third Quarter we again had a debate regarding the current event, which have been taking place in our world for the last 50 years and not coming to an end. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the statement was, "Should Israel return Gaza Strip and West bank to the Palestinians in return for Peace?" And I was chose to be on the Negative side, as I did not believe in the statement. I think that if you won something and it is yours after that. Just like the Israelis, they won Gaza Strip and West Bank in battle.

And now they have all the rights regarding those lands. In the fourth quarter that is the last quarter we were assigned with the Canterbury Tales. We had to chose a tale from the Canterbury Tales and understand the tale and translate it to modern English and present it in the class. I chose the Shipman's tale. Which was a really good tale. It had all the dirty stuff and the fun stuff that a teenage would be interested in.

I would like to summarize my tale and let the reader read the tale from my translation so that they would know that I have really translated this tale with all my heart. The tales starts like this... The Host asks the priest to tell a tale, but the Shipman interrupts, insisting that he will tell the next tale. He says that he will not tell a tale of physics or law or philosophy, but rather a more modest story... A merchant at St. Denis foolishly took a desirable woman for a wife who drained his income by demanding clothes and other fine array to make her appear even more beautiful. Since his wife demanded so many costs, the merchant was forced to take in guests; one of these was a monk.

John, a young monk no older than thirty, claimed to be the cousin of this merchant, and when he did stay with them he was quite generous with tips to the servants. Before he was going to make a journey to Bruges, the merchant invited John to visit him and his wife. On the day that the merchant was ready to leave St. Denis, he awoke early and went to his room to pack his stuff. John was also awake early and went into the garden to pray.

The wife went into the garden, worried that something was bothering the monk. He in turn worries about her; he thinks that she did not sleep well, for the merchant kept her up all night in sport. She admits that she has no lust for her husband. John realizes that she is keeping something from him and promises to keep whatever she could tell secret. He admits that he is not a cousin to the merchant.

She complains that her husband is stingy and tells that wives want six things: their husbands to be hardy, wise, rich, giving, obedient and good in bed. She tells him that she must pay a debt of one hundred francs to her husband. He agrees to get that sum for her, and the two end the transaction by kissing. The merchant leaves on his journey, advising both his wife and John to be diligent with money while he is gone. Before he leaves, John asks the merchant for one hundred francs so that he can buy cattle. When he gives the wife the one hundred francs, she repays John by engaging in an affair with him.

Later, when Dan John and the merchant meet, he tells the merchant that he repaid his debt to him when he gave the wife one hundred francs. The merchant therefore scolds his wife when he gets home, telling her that she must be careful when others give her money to repay debts, for he needs to take accurate measure of who owes her what. The wife realizes the monk's trick, but remains silent. She instead tells the merchant that she is his wife and will repay her debt to him in bed.

End. The tale is all about sex and business. In the tale money could be exchanged with sex. Like the woman was in debt with her husband and she paid her debt by having sex with the husband. I have learned a lot during this course of one year.

And I specially thank my Teacher for giving me so much knowledge about the world that I am living in and the famous people who have changed the world with their invention. About the famous people, Mr. Geoffrey Chaucer. The worlds never ending conflict, the Israel-Palestinian conflict. The President Bush offending Statement. And the Invention of the Rockets.