Metaphorical Mask Of False Beauty example essay topic

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Throughout history women, men, and children have all felt the pressures and manipulations by the media through some facade style form or shape. A Facade by definition is a false, superficial, or artificial appearance or effect, which is primarily imposed or placed on an object, group, or even individual. Through the use of words, deliberate images, and material items advertised within society, as a result have become pressures felt by all types of individuals. Many of these pressures forced upon individuals, prevalent in society today, has in turn created a false sense of ideals and an artificial basis of reality.

Men, women, and children all wear some form of a mask in a facade sense as an attempt of self defense against one another, which is clearly an affect of the media's dominance. In turn, we are all targets and victims to the controlling media weather we realize it or not. Advertisers have shaped and evolved our society from the beginning and has made it into what exists currently: It defines what it is to be a "Girl" or a "Boy", even a man or woman, and images presented of these "supposed" ideal gender definitions have become the basis for our decisions made in our lives everyday. These pressures of social definitions overtake men, women, and children's thoughts; some of which are feelings the having to look or act a certain way in order to be beautiful or accepted in this world severely obsessed with appearances as a basis for self-worth.

From the clothes one chooses to wear or the product chosen to consume, all are somehow related to the media's images seen in magazines, newspapers, internet, and television advertisements. Messages conveyed through all forms of common media known to contemporary man affects them subconsciously regardless of age, color, beliefs, or any aspect which many diversify one man from another, one woman from another woman, etc. Advertisers pursue knowledge of society's defining aspects and embrace all diversities of individuals in order to be able to target their product or message to all these parties. Advertisers have been quite successful, but in part gave birth to an obsessive and consumptive society which has severely damaged the aspect of personal identity, especially among young women. The idea of anyone wearing a type of metaphorical mask is a major theme running through Spiegelman's work Maus I and Maus II. Due to the serious and deadly time period Spiegelman's characters endure through, they are forced to conform to other society in order to not be discovered as Jews.

In other novels read and analyzed specifically in this class, which provide additional examples of characters displaying types of facades, are Tayo in Silko's novel Ceremony, Henry in Valdez's production of Zoot Suit, Sula in Morrison's novel Sula, and Akiko Ueno in Ozeki's novel My Year of Meats, just to name a few. In Maus mainly, Spiegelman portrays the Jewish mice wearing pig masks in order to blend in with the surrounding Polish society depicted as pigs. Spiegelman does this for many reasons, but one in particular is to expose the destructive effect. In reality, people walk, dress, and talk a certain way in order pass as another type of person, or to feel acceptance among peers, such as teenage boys and girls.

All characters display some kind of inner and outer struggle wearing a sort of facade due to conflicts encountered, thus forcing them to morph themselves as a way of survival. In actuality, no one is wearing a physical mask but rather an adaptation by change in behavior, manner, and appearance to blend in with the rest of mass society. In relation to my Advertisement Facade, which depicts pieces of magazine images and textual material from American magazines targeted towards young adults, represents the type of mask prevalent among individuals of today. By analyzing media material presented to the entirety of society, it is obvious that the media has set the standard for beauty and obsession through these examples of clippings displayed. Overall, these types of messages hidden or blatantly depicted in advertisements, has severely damaged men, women, and children's minds concerning their identities and self confidence, which is put into question internally. The idea of conformity and acceptance is still a prominent theme in contemporary American society, especially seen in young adults.

This mask portrays what many girls and boys of today wear metaphorically, emphasizing mainly on physical aspects. Throughout the history of mankind's behavior, men and women have judged one another immediately based upon their appearances. Every human has had judgments placed upon them by others on the basis on their clothing, body features, and material processions. Growing up in America for young boys and girls is difficult to "fit in" due to the media's dominating and brainwashing image of what is acceptable and "beautiful". However, every person wears some sort of metaphorical mask subconsciously as a type of self defense when interacting with a group of people. I feel the majority of society does not realize what they are being brainwashed and influenced by unknowingly.

The media might eventually brainwash all of us if we don't acknowledge the absurd and destructive nature it is doing us. These messages and ads set a false standard of beauty, a misleading reality, and ridiculously define our gender roles. Authors even depict their major and famous characters display the negative effects on physical and mental attributes from media based aspects. One way or another, the business world of advertising and marketing will find any way possible to affect individuals in a manner to benefit them. And even it means pressuring young girls to starve themselves, forcing them to wear a metaphorical mask of false beauty, all in order to sell, sell, sell. This mask does not literally reflect what I personally wear metaphorically, but there are some themes which I admit have thought over.

Nor do I deny that the media has brainwashed me along with everyone else, but at least I am able to recognize the problem society faces. The truth is girls and boys should not be obsessing what lies on their outsides, but rather what lies within. This inner beauty is what everyone needs to realize and get in touch with. There are so many other qualities within everyone and this is where true beauty lies.

It is a beauty that wearing a mask of make-up of designed clothes cannot deny or illuminate, and lies within is a major part of ourselves which must be nourished and cultivated..