Michael Moore example essay topic

428 words
Michael Moore knows how to be controversial. In the notorious documentary, Bowling for Columbine, the director Michael Moore, illustrates how the American media greatly affects people's actions. This induced fear leads to American's obsessing over their protection as well as causes for many criminals to feel as if they need to heavily protect themselves. Michael Moore portrays many statistics representing America's number of people in jail, gun owners, etc, to other countries around the world. This review will not specify those numbers due to evidence of Mr. Moore's lack of truth within some of these stats. Everyday, people around the world enjoy turning on the news and learning about new items that may be hazardous for their health, ways of prevention, and where the latest bank robbery is taking place.

Michael Moore shows his audience a country, known as America that is extremely afraid. He compares news stories to other countries' headlines and how different these really are. In America, citizens mostly see news relating to violence or headlines that scream: "Beware! Killer Bees are here!" These banners provoke fear in people immediately. Other headlines state such facts as "Who's Breaking in your home?"Is your family safe?" This entire notion about how unsafe the US is leads to a very unsettling feeling for most Americans.

Of course, the second Amendment states that Americans have the right to protect themselves with a weapon, however, in countries like Canada, a person's door is usually open most of time because there is not such a large notion of fear. In regards to criminals, the easy access for guns on the black market helps an individual obtain any sort of gun. On the other hand, these violent acts are committed because of the many strict rules that are planted on Americans. There was a cartoon in the documentary that specified how everything that has happened in history has been to make Americans scared of something. This fact is what Mr. Moore tries to illustrate as a huge basis for why people revolt and resort to violence.

America needs to relax and not enforce so many laws that cause some to be rebel rather and band together. Sure if guns were not as accessible than one can say that the events that occurred at Columbine High School in Colorado would never have taken place, but people should look at the main issue, the fear. Michael Moore helps proclaim this factor very accurately in his film..