Middle School Age example essay topic

336 words
I was born on June 30, 1988. My parents named me matt because they couldn't think of anything else to call me, so for a couple days I was considered " That Kid". My dad wanted to name me Charles so I'm glad my mom disagreed with it. Threw my early child hood not much happened, I broke a lot of thing and ate a lot of vegetables for it. But then its seems like my parents just said", he's to happy lets move somewhere else".

So we moved at the age of only 7, thus a nightmare began... I didn't know anyone, it was scary because not only was I friendless but there were trees everywhere. Eventually I got over it and grew to love it. I soon fell upon middle school a wasteland filled with book but at least a step up from elementary school, plus better food. So I went threw middle school finding a great many things out for the first time, girls being one of the most important. But my problems and difficulties getting one of the other important things I found out in middle school age.

I also realized that were such thing as sports and in this was running. Running was my newest passion and in my opinion the best sport ever. It was getting me in shape and keeping healthier. I took this on with me into what is known as the high school age. Witch was yet another step up form the pits of school below me. I will hope to keep up my athletic status for the rest of high school for now.

For the future I hope to keep with running, hope to do triathlons, and proceed in the career path I chose. I also hope to marry and retire a happy man in the next chapter of the odyssey of Mathew Beal. By- Matt Beal.