Mikage Attacks Yuuhi And Aya example essay topic

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Ayashi No Ceres (Suspicious Ceres) Aya Mikage and Aki Mikage are hanging out with their friends and they make Aya go and get her fortune told. Her fortune is about how when she turns 16, her life will be turned upside down and a dark star will effect her fate. She doesn't know what the woman was talking about but she was right. Then when they are walking across a bridge a man steals an old lady's purse and Aya runs after the man. When she gets the purse she falls over the edge of the bridge and then is saved by a mysterious force. The night before her and Aki's birthday their parents tell them that they are to come straight home from school because they " re going to their grandpa's house to celebrate their birthday.

When Aki and Aya arrive their whole family is there and they are all sitting around a table. A man gives them a box and Aya is cautious in opening it. Aki takes it from her and opens it. Once he does Aya feels a mysterious presence over her and then she sees images in her head.

Once she comes to, she looks at Aki and he's shaking. Then he gets a bunch of slashes all over his skin and he's bleeding everywhere. The test that Aya's family put her up to is true. The celestial being named Ceres is in Aya. The rest of the family leaves and Aya and her grandpa and her father are still in the room. Aya's father is suppose to shoot her, yet as he struggles, he tells her to fight her fate and her grandpa's hit man shoots her father in the head.

Aya screams and Ceres takes over her body and kills almost everyone in the room with a large energy blast. Aya doesn't remember what happens and wakes up in a tree. Tooya, a man who saved her from getting hit by a car, finds her there and kisses her to stop her from screaming when hit men are walking around looking for Aya to kill her. Suzumi sends her brother-in-law, Yuuhi to go and get Aya. He does and Yuuhi brings her back to the Ao giri household. Suzumi explains to Aya what's going on.

Aya is of the bloodline that has a Tennyo (Angel / Fairy) blood. She tells how the Mikage have killed countless women in the family who show signs of Ceres being in them. Aya doesn't care and runs away from them. Aya gets a message to go to the hospital that Aki is at. After arriving her mother tries to kill her because the Mikage put her on a drug. Aya becomes Ceres once again and Ceres goes on a killing rampage.

Then Aya is woken up by Yuuhi kissing her. Then for about 20 more episodes they build up the plot. I'm just am going to skip to the ending. It turns out that Ceres is looking for her Haragomo (A special coat that lets her go to heaven). She will leave once she finds it. Aki turns into Mikage (the first relative that forces Ceres to marry him).

Tooya returns after being killed. He is in the form of an angel and he has returned because he's not human but the Haragomo of Ceres. He turned into a human like creature because it fused with micro marine life. So, while Mikage is fighting with everyone and trying to kill everyone Tooya comes to the rescue and saves Aya. Yet, later Mikage stabs her in the stomach. Everyone becomes worried because Aya is pregnant with Tonya's baby.

Tooya gives the Haragomo to Aya and it saves her life and Ceres appears in her true form. In the end Aya is faced with the problem of killing Mikage in which will kill her brother Aki too. Ceres doesn't give her a lot of time so in a loud scream she raises her hand and a beam of energy flows from it killing Mikage and Aki. Then in the ending credits you see everyone, Aya is 8 months pregnant, Tooya tells Yuuhi that he is going to die in 2 years because of all of the energy he wasted in the battle.

So he then wants Yuuhi to marry Aya. So in the end many of Aya's family and friends were killed. And Ceres left and finally got to return to heaven. Top 101.

Aya becomes Ceres. 2. Yuuhi becomes Aya's bodyguard. 3. Tooya and Aya Fall in Love. 4.

Aki becomes Mikage. 5. Aya's friends are killed. 6. Tooya and Aya move away and she becomes pregnant. 7.

Aya and Tooya return and they find out what Ceres is back for. 8. They clone many Ceres to create a fake Haragomo. 9. Mikage attacks Yuuhi and Aya. 10.

Ceres and Aya kill Mikage and saves the day. Ayashi no Ceres is my favorite Japanese Anime. It was released about 2 years ago. There are 24 episodes and there isn't enough to time to summarize all of the episodes. So I just did the important ones. I really enjoyed this series and it's fits into our science fiction unit by Beings Inhuman because Ceres isn't human, but a Tennyo from heaven.