Mildred's Life example essay topic

630 words
This song relates a lot to Mildred and her life. In the first verse, it says, "She's lost in coma where it's beautiful. Intoxicated from the deep sleep, deep sleep. Do you wonder what it's like Living in a permanent imagination, sleeping to escape reality, but you like it like that".

Mildred is obsessed with her "parlor walls" and her "family". They are her life, and she seems happy because they are happy. It's all fake, but it's real in her mind and she is depressed that her family will be burned down, instead of being sad that her husband will be put into an asylum. Mildred's life is fiction; she has no purpose or goal in life. She will not have affected anyone's life. "Everyone must leave something behind when he dies, my grandfather said...

Something your hand touched some way so your soul has somewhere to go when you die, and when people look at that tree or that flower you planted, you " re there" (156). No one will remember Mildred when she dies because she never did anything significant in her life besides watch TV. "She dreams in digital 'Cause it's better than nothing". She lives a life without any purpose, and the only thing that she can do is watch TV, because there are no books. This song relates to Beatty and the other firemen and their role in the world.

They "protect" the world from books with fire, "Jesus blessed me with its future And I protect it with fire". Beatty knows the truth about books, but he still fights them. "The lie is my expense". The reason that they keep books away from society is so that they don't get their own ideas and the government has full control over everyone.

"I'm deep inside your children they " ll betray you in my name". The children are raised to believe that books are evil, so they stay focused on the parlor walls and live an aimless life. This song relates to how Montag feels about Mildred. It starts, "I'm looking through you Where did you go I thought I knew you What did I know you don't look different But you have changed". Montag felt that he knew and loved Mildred, but in the end, when he realizes that the war may take Mildred's life, he says, "Even if she dies... I don't think I'll feel sad" (155).

He sees that Mildred and he are just two people who live together and are called husband and wife, but they really have no relationship. The first verse in this song talks about the emptiness that Montag feels. He realizes that people now days have no feeling or emotion. They are only into their "parlor walls". He sees that Clarissa is lucky because she isn't empty, she has a family who truly loves her and they live life to its fullest.

Their house is the only house that has lights. All of the other houses are empty and dark. The second verse talks about drugs and why people take them. Mildred must have taken drugs because she wanted something to ease her pain. She was depressed and took the drugs thinking they will make her feel better.

The song also relates to the men who came and gave Mildred new blood. They don't even know her, they are total strangers. It's like routine for them to come and clean people's blood; it's not a big deal. It just shows how empty and emotionless the world has become.