Mobile Phones Mp 3 Players example essay topic

244 words
Mp 3 Players began as a computer application in the mid-1980's, at the Frauenhofer Institut in Germany. This organisation developed a low-bit audio coding to create Mp 3 files. In 1989, the founder of the Institut, Frauenhofer, was granted permission to develop his ideas. These ideas were then submitted and approved by the International Standards Organisation (ISO). In 1990, Frauenhofer also attempted to create the first portable Mp 3 Player. But as it was, the Player lacked quality.

Then, in 1997, Tomislav Uzelac, took his own approach in creating a computer-based Mp 3 Player. Using Frauenhofers' thoughts and past ideas, Uzelac was successful in creating what is known as the "First Prime-Time Mp 3 Player". Uzelac's application was aptly named the "AMP-MP 3 Engine". Shortly after Uzelac's AMP engine was released, Justin Frankel and Dmitry Boldyrev took the AMP engine and added a Windows interface.

Their computer-based Mp 3 Player was therefore named "WinAmp". In 1998, WinAmp was offered on the internet to be downloaded for free, and soon after, many web-based Mp 3's could be downloaded for free. Throughout this time, several portable Mp 3 Players were available. Some of these Mp 3 Players are now taking the form of: . Mobile Phones (The Nokia 5510) Mp 3 Players began as a computer application in the mid-1980's, at the Frauenhofer Institut in Germany. Mobile Phones (The Nokia 5510).