Money For Japanese Movies example essay topic

599 words
If talking more precisely on Miyazakis business success his objectives are worthy mentioning. One of them is to make money while doing what you like. It seems that he succeeded in this principle well. One more important issue is understanding of movie making specifics form economic stand point.

The reason is that it's going to cost you more than for example 700 million in production costs. That is enough only to cover the costs of getting the film ready and printing negative on hand. The next step is to distribute and advertise you project. By the time you " ve done it the costs incurred are about 1. l to 1.2 billion. The sum gets even greater as you put movie into the theaters. Thus risk you take producing the film is very high and you may fail all the work any time something goes wrong.

In fact, any little mistake can spoil all the work. Theaters aren't the only source of income for a feature movie. Money also flow from broadcast rights and video sales and rentals. And for many animated cartoons, there are profitable product merchandising deals.

Miyazakis characters now appear on everything from lunch boxes to T-shirts. They are sold all over the world and thanks to their popularity bring a lot of money to the company. These funds are vital to the production of new films and creating new characters as far as it takes a long time for the movie to appear on the screen. And until it makes money, it demands the investment that may occur a failure. The Studio Ghibli museum, which was opened lately, is an additional source of making money and increasing popularity of animated movies. It is a place where visitors can see the process of creating animated movies in the studio.

Some short films created especially for the museum will be shown. There is no international market in the country as for example in the United States. And the price for Hollywood movies is rather high for Japan market. Though when tried to establish similar conditions for his films in the United States market, they decided him to be crazy. They wanted to bye all the rights for rather little fee compared to those they charge for their films. That is why Miyazaki did not sell his movies to the United States.

His work is not worse than American movies, so why should it cost less? Some consider that low price polices that Japanese animation choose is one cause of their popularity. The average animated feature costs approximately one-third of the resembling one made in the United States. Such pricing policy is partially due to the opinion that Japanese market takes care of costs. This way businessmen consider foreign markets sales to be only additional to the domestic ones. This polices also give some benefits to filmmakers.

Charging low artists work provides a low production cost that also minimizes risk for investors. Though Miyazaki makes his films only for Japan, he understands the business he's in. Like in any other there is supply and demand. And the army of those who are ready to pay money for Japanese movies is constantly growing. This means that the bigger companies oust smaller ones.

That is why he never stops and tries to invent something new and interesting, something the customers are looking for.