Money From The Bourgeois And The Bourgeoisie example essay topic

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NOE SOSA HISTORY 102 TAKE HOME ESSAY PLAN#B QUESTION#2 In the medieval period, money was not very important and the only indication of how wealthy some one was base in how much land some one had. Land was not something that did not circulate the way it does today. After the collapsed of the Roman Empire, the biggest landowners were the church follow by the landed nobility. The monarchs some times own a plot of land that rented out to the state. Between 476-1000 Europe was isolated in a way from the rest of the trading world. During the medieval period, there was no direct external trade.

Money was not important during this period and it was not central part of the economy. Instead, everything that was produce was mostly use for local consumption, but that was about to change. After 1250, the entrepreneurs began to recognize that there were certain recourses that were needed by other localities. They realized that they could produce and explode these goods. Italians for example began to produce salt.

England started to explode coal. Commodity production increase in volume in Europe. As the trade with the orient grew the importance of money grew too. If the money became more important the merchants, money handlers, entrepreneurs became more important in society. Because of this, the interaction of this different sectors increase and became more independent. The coming together of these sectors gave birth to the Bourgeois (1200-1300).

In the 1400, a new time of money handle ling institutions emerged. Money houses, as the Bourgeois grew the monarch began to tax the Bourgeoisie and borrow money from them, large amounts of money to finance the monarchs army and bureaucracy. As the monarch's power grew, they started enacting policies in favor of the bourgeoisie. This to factors forms a very beneficial relationship. The monarchs grew in power by borrowing money from the bourgeois and the bourgeoisie became richer do to the laws passed by the monarchs in favor of the bourgeoisie. Nobilities borrow money fro Banks and finance houses, in exchange the nobilities used their land as collateral for the loans and by doing this making the land that was not available for the market now available.

The foundation stone of the MODERN EAUROPENS NATION STATE WAS THE RELATIONSHIP IN WICH THE bourgeoisie provides the material, and the state will see to it that the policies would be favorable to the bourgeoisie, and this included local as well foreign policies. The collapsed of the Ming dynasty and the realization of the middle class sectors of the medieval era that you could turn goods and services into very important and profitable commodities gave way to the creation of the bourgeoisie. Before this in was strictly the church who decided what turn the economy would take, the church still form part of the economy after the formation of the bourgeoisie but it was not as nearly as important as before.