Money Off The Streets example essay topic

733 words
It is a dream to live a life being wealthy with a beautiful family. Does it matter if whether the wealth come from legal or illegal activity? If anyone can make money either way and get away with it, then it really doesn't matter. It is hard to make a good living in this world. Many people do not have the opportunity to succeed, so they have to go on the streets and make money a different way. It is risky working on the streets to make thousands maybe even millions.

In this paper I am going to talk about two movies, Carlitos Way and Empire present similar views of making a living on the streets and having a dream. It is always a positive thing to have a dream, but is it a dream that is going to save their life or take it away, leaving loved ones miserable? There are both positive and negative outcomes to accomplishing your dream. Is it the right way to go out?

In the movie Empire, Victor Rosa (John Leguizamo) is all about making money. With an iron fist, he runs a successful "street pharmaceutical" business that peddles a heroin mix he has named Empire. He has a beautiful fianc " ee, Carmen, a Baruch College student. She has a classmate which has an investment-banker boyfriend, Jack Wimmer. Victor meets Jack, and they instantly connect. Both are hard-core businessmen from two different sides of the legal fence.

When Jack offers Victor a piece of the action on the stock market, he sees his ticket out of the violent streets of the South Bronx and jumps at the opportunity. His dream comes to mind; now all he has to do is make the amount of money he wants so he can move on with his life. Victor Rosa has been making money off the streets illegally. It will take him time to get to Puerto Rico and get away from the streets, but will he make it alive? Carlito's Way is a tale of a former hood trying to escape his former life. Al Pacino is Carlito Brig ante, a high-level Puerto Rican drug dealer sprung from a three-decade jail sentence after only five years.

Carlito decides to take a job as the manager of a club in which Klein feld has invested. His plan is to save enough money so that he can eventually move to the Caribbean, but no sooner than he begins a new life, Carlito is back on the streets of New York. His old life claws at him in the form of both old partners (Luis Guzman) and vicious up-and-comers (John Leguizamo) Nevertheless, Carlito stays clean and even restarts his relationship with a dancer named Gail (Penelope Ann Miller) she ends up getting pregnant. Their plans are to move away from the city and make a family.

At that point, the race is on to see whether Carlito and Gail can escape his world for good. Can they? In these two movies, both drug dealers are trying to make enough money to get out of the streets of New York. They both have a relationship with someone who is pregnant with their child. It takes them time to make the amount of money they want, and troubles persist. They need to get their money and leave the city before their own lives are taken.

Tough times hit them when they think it is safe to leave. Right when they both are ready to get out of the game, their lives are taken away by another dealer, leaving their loved ones hurt. In this paper I compared Carlitos Way with Empire. These two movies present similar stories in which the main characters die trying to get out of the drug business. Their dreams were to get out of the city and move away to the Caribbean with their lady is and future children. When it comes time to leave, something wrong has to happen.

Both of the drug dealers in the movie are killed, leaving their family behind. The end is not the way they wanted to die especially with a dream in mind.