Most Dangerous Terrorism Movements example essay topic

573 words
The terrorism may be defined both as international and the domestic one. It is very difficult to differentiate the forms of the terrorism according to the criterions indicated above. Domestic terrorism trends to find support outside the country and thus spreading beyond the borders. According to the aims of the terrorism we may distinguish the nationalists' terrorists. These are the groups seeking the self determination.

These groups can operate both within the country and outside. They have a certain ideological "coverage", "the struggle for the independence" or something else. They are the most dangerous because they never stop their activities. The examples of such movements are IRA (Irish Republican Army) and ETA (Basque Homeland and Liberty). Another terrorism movement may be defined as the ideological terrorism. The aims of such groups are to change the political, social and economic system.

They may be extreme left or extreme right. Their ideologies are based on the philosophic doctrines, such as Marxism, Maoism, and Neo Nazism etc. One of the most dangerous terrorism movements is the religious-political terrorism. Hezbollah and Hamas are the typical representatives of such terrorism. Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda network is a clearly religious-political movement. The danger of such groups is very high which was shown by the 9/11 Laden's attacks.

There is also the state supported terrorism. This is the most dangerous one. States use this type of the terrorism as their political doctrine. Such terrorism is difficult to fight first of all because it is supported by the state policy. It is very difficult to define "the level of criminality" of such form, because it is supported by the domestic legal base. Iraq is the typical example of such terrorism.

The defense from such kind of terrorism is a matter of the anti-terror international coalition. Some of the countries involved into the state terrorism try to distance themselves from the active actions, e.g. Libya. The war with such terrorism requires serious internationally accepted legal base otherwise such war may be defined as an aggression. During the first part of the 20th century the terrorism was dissolved in the bloody chaos of the revolutions, civil and the world wars.

It was the integral component of any social political and military confrontation. In its "pure nature" the terrorism appeared by the end of the 60's. Moreover the terror organizations became more influential regarding the policy of the countries and even regions. The modern terrorism obtained some peculiar features. The terrorist groups cooperate very closely and even have special coordination centers. Nowadays the threat of the terrorism becomes crucial because the terrorism is developing itself and uses the new forms and means.

One of such cruel forms was demonstrated by Al Qaeda during the attack on the World Trade Center. There were a lot of publications analyzing that attack. The mankind faced the principally new criminal form of the terrorism. There was no any formulated ultimatum, just cruel senseless action of intimidation.

That was the landmark in the global war with the terrorism. The world has understood that the war with the terrorism is a matter of the world community and the terrorism needs to be combated by the coalition which was created after the attacks..