Most Important Theories Of Employee Motivation example essay topic

577 words
This week like all the others previously was filled with a large amount of information that was relevant to our understanding of the nature of business. The nature and importance of contracts in the workplace are important to both the employee and the employer. The employer has certain expectations and the employee must fulfill them, and the employee has certain expectations from their employer and expects this in return of doing a good job. Job satisfaction is then directly related to these psychological contracts because people all have differing levels of satisfaction that their jobs provide. Employers want to satisfy their employees in most cases because they will do a better job with quality and pride if they believe and are content with what they do. The most important theories of employee motivation are human resources model; the hierarchy of needs model, the two-factor theory, the expectancy theory, the equity theory, and the goal setting theory.

Theory X says that people can are basically lazy and unproductive therefore need to be rewarded or punished for motivation. The hierarchy of human needs theory says that people rely on the 5 basic needs to be satisfied and after that they will be more motivated and productive. The two-factor theory is a theory that suggests job satisfaction is solely dependent on hygiene and motivation. The expectancy theory suggests that people work hard to obtain goals and they expect to be rewarded accordingly. The equity theory believes that people evaluate the way that their employer treats them by the way they treat other people. Understanding how leadership varies asks us to understand the different styles of leadership.

Some of these styles are autocratic which management just issues orders and expects them to be followed. The democratic style asks for input from subordinates then they actually have full decision-making power. The next style is free reign style usually allow their subordinates to follow through with the decision making process and advise them of how they should proceed. The next topic w addressed was marketing which is defined by our texts as the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives. The 5 forces that constitute the external marketing environment are political-legal, social-cultural, technological, economic, and competitive environments. Market segmentation is the process by which a market is divided into categories of consumer types.

To identify target markets we must utilize market segmentation. The purpose and value of marketing research is to understand the needs of humans and how to best go about marketing a product to meet the needs of consumers. The better you research your market the better a product can be developed. The key factors that influence the consumer buying process are psychological, social, cultural, and personal.

The 3 categories of organizational markets are industrial, reseller, and government / institutional markets. Organizational markets differ from consumer markets because they conduct 3 times as much business as the consumer market does. Another difference is that the industrial products demand is driven b the demand for the consumer's products therefore it is less sensitive to the price changes. This week has continued to be a challenge and I am certain next week will bring a wealth of information as well.