Most Important Thing In Life example essay topic

402 words
Values MATT HEALTH Oct. 21, 1996 Three important values that I hold, are hard work, family, and friendship. These are values that I think will make life better and easier for a person. They make me feel secure and prepared for the future. Without these things I probably wouldn't care about anything at all. My values were all influenced by my parents. The only one that I had to figure out mostly by myself, was to work as hard as I could.

Hard work is something that I had to do in order to prove to myself that I was smart enough. It probably controls most of my life. I need to do everything right and get perfect grades to be satisfied, and so I'm always working as hard as I can. It sounds like a bad thing, but the hard work almost always pays off. Family is a value that my father taught me. He told me that family is the most important thing in life.

Your family will always be there when you need them, and will love you no matter what you do. This is a great thing, because it gives me security and comfort. I know that the decisions that I make in life will be guided by people that care about the outcome, and if things don't work out they " ll be there to do whatever they can to help me. You never have to put on a front with your relatives, they will almost always accept you for who you are. Another value that was influenced by my parents as well as television, is friendship. Even though your family is always there for you, friends are still very important to have.

Having friends will usually raise a person's self-esteem. By having friends you know that you are a good person, and that people like you. Friends can also help you cope with problems that can't be discussed with you parents. If I am having a problem with any part of life, I know I could discuss it with a friend and get it resolved.

Besides the obvious pros of friendship, it also prepares you for jobs and life in general. Friendship shows you how to get along and communicate with other people.