Most Useful Information example essay topic

864 words
1. Data is something known or assumed. It is anything that fits into a DSS and is valuable. Three examples are grades for a class, a picture of wallpaper, or word of mouth about a new product or company.

2. Words, pictures, and numbers. 3. Information is acquired data that is derived from data and anything that is summarized in numerical or graphical. Information is used for 'informing's ome one about something. An example of information is a net income on a balance sheet, the average of grades for a class and a graph of how many people use a certain product.

4. Normative approach, subjective approach and realistic approach. The normative approach is when the DSS provides the information that a decision maker wants in order to make a particular decision. This states that the information should meet the guidelines for making the decision. The subjective approach is when the DSS has information that the designs thought would be useful.

This does not mean that the information will be useful. The last approach, realistic, is when the designer asks if the decision maker will use this information or not. Each approach has its own useful data. The realistic approach is the better of all the approaches because it takes into account what the DSS will be used for and puts in the needed information. The other two approaches do not put in the information that is needed. 5.

The characteristics of useful information is as follows: { Timeliness: information is up to date and still 'useful' { Sufficiency: information is able to support the decision { Level of detail: information is meaningful to decision { Understandability: information in database and database are easy to understand { Freedom from bias: the designer or user of the DSS are not bias in the information used or put into the DSS { Decision relevance: information must be relevance to decision { Comparability: measurement conditions must remain the same { Reliability: information is correct { Redundancy: information is not repeated and all the data is group related to each other { Cost-efficiency: benefit of improved decision making much out weigh the cost of providing it { Quantifiability: only appropriate operations can be preformed on the information { Appropriateness of format: the information is presented in a appropriate way 6. A database is where the information for a DSS is located and stored for easy retrieval. 7. Historical file - processing approach meant that all the information was not kept in one place.

Each different type of information had its own place to be stored. The database approach allows for all different types of data to be stored in the same location and have easier access to the data. 8. External data, public data and private data are types of databases available to business. 9.

Knowing how the user will use the information will effect how the data is displayed. It will also affect how the data is stored in the database. 10. The database management system is the buffer between the user and the information that is stored in the database. The DBMS will extract the information that the user is looking for. 11.

It provides an independence between the actual arrangement of data he apparent arrangement of the data application. 12. The fundamental database structures are hierarchical, network and relational. 13.

The hierarchical has one head person and this person is giving information to the other people below him. The network is flexible model that allows several people to give out the data and this makes it easier and quicker to get data. The relational is the most flexible because everyone is on the same level. 14. A data warehouse is a storage area for data that exists separately from the operating system. 15.

And intelligent agent is a piece of software that completes specific, repetitive tasks on the behalf of the user. 16. Data mining is when the DSS helps the user narrow down the search for the correct information. Not only the correct information but also the most useful information. The data warehouses contain a lot of data and it is hard to know which data is useful and which is just in your way. 17.

Intelligent agents sort through the data in the databases to help the user find useful information. These agents give the user the option to scan the data warehouses and find the correct data... 18. We can accomplish five types of results, these results are: { Associations: events link with regard to a single criterion { Sequences: events linked over a single period of time { Classifications: identifies patterns that are unique for members of a group { Clusters: this has certain rules that let the computer tell the difference between groups. { Forecasting: estimating the value of the data in the future.